9/14 silence

in #coronavirus4 years ago

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"

Martin Luther King said those powerful words and its these lines that echo in my head as I sip the egg soup.i made with some celery and chili flakes because my left upper abdomen been aching I need to stay in bed for whole day.I do not know if it is the posture or some food I ate or something ominous. I hope not.

This pandemic has claimed so many lives that world health organization says it claimed more lives than any war recorded.If this is a war I hope it is one that were winning and will end in few years.
Because I have so much time at my hand I get enough time to chat with my friends and family and read books.I have learned that some if my friends and acquaintance feel ill from this disease and die alone in the ICU rooms.I also learned some are struggling putting food on the table for their family.Yes ,it smells like economic recession is around the bend.It is scary when you think of many things that could go wrong with your body with the covid virus in the midst.


For today,I am thankful that my father is well.Same time last year he had a hemmoraghic stroke.By God's grace he is slowly recuperating with the aid of his acupuncturist adn physical therapist.I wish my mom's younger brother Uncle Samson will be as lucky.It's been a week now he is in a public hospital after he had a stroke as a complication of his uncontrolled diabetes.

So many of us go through our day to day existence unaware of many who vanished into the night.I wonder how they'd spent their 24 hours differently had they know they will die the next day.

What about dying we fear the most?I am not in the peak of health now so this questions keeps on bugging me from time to time.The Bible had given us some idea what to expect but still I fear death.If it is my time I hope it comes in swift and painfree.I do not want my family to be in the state of indebtedness because of me.I know that love can make you sell everything you own to save the one you beloved.

"Slowly we became silent, and silence itself if an enemy to friendship"
Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through it and Other Stories

I have the bad habit of going silent when the relationship is over.So if I die I do not want to hear of apologies or of loving that never come my way while I was breathing.

"There was cruelty in silence, and isolation made it worse."
Jordan Dane
This pandemic has mandated us to keep our social distance.So if one finds oneself alone despite of available virtual technology it is no brainer why many find loneliness to be as deadly as this tiny weenie virus.Restricting people from congregating was necessary to cut the transmission but losing the human interaction need not be an end result.Humans are social being after all.Thus it is best to keep oneself busy with something while in quarantine.Having a pet helps .In my case I polish on my baking skills while others where into gardening.I remind myself that if they did not notice your absence then most likely your prescence never mattered to begin with.If there is one thing I am grateful about this health crisis that is to see clearly who are true to me when the going is tough.

"The longer you remain distant, the deeper, wider, and darker the chasm becomes making it all the more difficult to bridge."
Ken Poirot

Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

True.So I do not understand why some people would grew silent on things that really mattered . I learned by experience that silence was also a polite way of saying it isn't worth fighting for.So year 2020 had seen so many protest against racism and even how this covid virus should be managed.As much as I hate the noise it creates it is a lot better for me that than seeing human's indifference.
