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RE: One Man Scores HUGE Win for ALL Americans Against Corrupt FEDS

in #corruption7 years ago

The tyrannical attitude and outrageous display of force used by those B L M Agents is so upsetting. Last night I was watching some of the leaked footage that the prosecution tried to hide. Gets your blood boiling watching men who are armed to the teeth and meant to serve the public have such blatant disregard for Our God given rights. It's almost as though they only have respect for fellow government employees.


Good story. Thanks for posting here. There is a lot to this story. It begins with the fact that Bundy is an independent private cattle rancher. If the operation were a public corporation the left would leave him alone. (Same as Koch Industries)... In fact it's why they impose a death tax on family farms. Forcing a family to sell the farm to a larger player makes it a load easier for the feds to cut the food supply when the time comes that such a measure will help them to force "citizen compliance".

You know, some folks were calling Bundy "paranoid". Those same folks were out to get him. But leftist media managed to sell that notion anyway. We have a lot of work to do if we want to get this central government back into that little box our founders built for them! Best get crackin' huh?

Death and Property taxes are my personally most despised taxes. I'm not a fan of any involuntary forced surrendering of ones own assets, but these two have a special purpose. It's the main way at keeping people in poverty. The wealthy can afford to pay these unethical extortion's. But for many the very thing that could raise them out of poverty, their own birthright, is taxed, therefore forcing them to sell it to pay the man with the guns. These properties and saving have already been taxed, they have no right to strip their family legacy away from people.

As soon as this news broke, I started seeing leftist memes claiming this was white privilege. Thanks for sharing this video as it completely debunks that allegation. Insane what the liberial media does to twist narratives to fit their agenda.