PaulsRobot3 HeavyDuty module

in #counseling6 years ago (edited)


Heavy (traumatic) topics need a light approach, like Reach & Withdraw or Rogerian. PaulsRobot3's HeavyDuty is used not on heavy topics but on topics that need more of a precision approach – it reaches those parts other more general modules don't.

It allows the user to address his or her topic from any of 15 different angles. These variations are Reach & Withdraw, General, Multiple Copies, Shock Moments, Multiple Viewpoints, Imaginary, Confront, Responsibility, Not There, Effort, Emotion, Thought, Time Shift, Spiritual and Cosmic. They can be used in the order laid out, or the user may choose.

Reach & Withdraw and General have been well covered already. The workhorse 6-Direction technique (and Rub & Yawn, of course) is used with each of the variations listed below, except for Time Shift. In this HeavyDuty module, one should aim at getting a discharge on each 6-Direction step (above, below etc) -- if the topic had been discharging generally, and zooming in on one particular variation produces no discharge, one will rapidly know to move onto the next variation.

Here are the other variations below. The initial audio command (of 6) will sometimes be included here in bold. Although these descriptions are fairly detailed, they are not sufficient for running the session. To do a session you should use the proper PaulsRobot3 HeavyDuty module with its exact directions and full response options.

Multiple copies

As best you can, put multiple copies of your topic above you. It's OK if you can't manage the whole thing all at once -- even moving a minute part in the correct direction is OK.

Variations: You can make two copies or two million, have them close to you or far away, filling up a little or all of the space above you right out to an infinite distance away. You can also move them around -- you need not keep the copies fixed relative to each other.

There is no particular emphasis in this Multiple Copies group on visualizing the feelings and sensations since they have their own groups of commands. However, if these happen to be part of what your attention is on, make multiple copies of them at the same time as the other bits you are moving around.

Shock Moments

Isolate any shock moments you can find, and put them above you. It's OK if you don't get everything for now, just go with what is visible at the moment, and whatever you can move of it.

Definition: A moment of shock is an intense period of time, usually fairly short, where charge is accumulated very rapidly. It may accompany a period of clinical physical shock to the body. An entire incident might cover an extended period of time, but this variation addresses only the intense shock moment part(s) of an incident, if there are any present. A topic may contain many incidents. It's OK if there are no shock moments at all in a topic.

Multiple Viewpoints

It is possible to experience events that happened to you from the viewpoints of the other people in those events, their thoughts, feelings and efforts (efforts = forces, not attempts). You can do this one person at a time, or in groups. You can even do it from the viewpoint of other creatures or inanimate objects if it seems relevant to you. When doing the visualisation steps here, do them as if you were wearing that other body, as if the other person was doing this procedure, so "Put it above you" means sort of be the other person sitting in your chair right now and put it above his/her head and not your own.

You can also consciously stretch or rub vigorously for that other viewpoint, as if discharging their stress (Surrogate Rub & Yawn).

If nothing much is happening, i.e., there is no immediate discharge of harmful energy as shown by a sigh or yawn etc, then change around the parts of your topic while continuing to stretch or rub vigorously and put it above you, all while assuming the other viewpoint. Make the various parts larger, or make copies of them, or add in bits that should be there.

If no go, try assuming yet another viewpoint. It is not essential to completely flatten (fully discharge) one viewpoint before starting on another one, but you should have flattened all viewpoints before leaving this Multiple Viewpoints group of commands.

Recreate newly the feelings and sensations and forces in the other viewpoints as well as simply the different angle of view. Include everything hot (charged) that you can find in the aspects of your topic which are others' impressions.


Focus on any possibly imaginary parts of your topic -- telepathy, spirits, past lives, parallel universes, whatever -- and put them above you. Possibly imaginary means things that might be there but you are not sure. You can even include things you know to be completely imaginary. If you can't think of any imaginary bits, just invent something, maybe copy something you read in a book or saw on TV or in a movie or something.

The purpose of this variation is that there might indeed be such a factor as part of your topic, but you don't really want to believe it. By allowing the possibility that it is completely imaginary, you can still discharge it but without compromising your reality at all. If it does discharge, it might mean that it really was true, or it might not. All you can be certain of is that a discharge occurred.


What part of your topic could you confront? "Confront" as used in PaulsRobot does not so much mean challenge, but more the idea of tolerating, of being comfortable in the presence of, of being able to face without flinching, of allowing the existence of something without feeling the slightest protest.

The idea with this variation is to examine whatever particular aspect of your overall topic is drawing your attention right now and find some part of it you could comfortably allow to be there, even if it is only the smallest part of it.

Do not simply settle for a general "All of it" response at the outset, but find a specific part.


What part of your topic could you be responsible for? This means either:

  • an aspect of your topic in the past that you are willing to acknowledge you were the cause of, or
  • some aspect of your topic that you are willing to be at cause over now or for the future, that you are willing to control and care for.

Being willing to control something does not mean that you have to control it, but you would do so if necessary. For example, you might leave your young child happily playing with her friends, but if danger threatened you would almost certainly do something about it.

Again, do not simply settle for a general "All of it" at the outset, but find a specific part.

Not There

Focus on factors in your topic that seem to be not there although they should be and put them above you. For example, aspects of your topic that are suppressed or occluded; parts that might be hidden behind mental black or invisible screens; parts that have been overwhelming to you. If you can't think of any not-there bits, just pretend there are parts that fit the description and go with that and see how it works out.


Focus on experiencing the masses and energies in your topic, and put them above you. The term "efforts" here includes masses, energies, pressures, forces, impacts, pains and physical sensations. It is not used in the sense of attempts.

Try and re-create the physical feeling of these items, whether yours or others', and not just the idea of them.


Focus on the emotions in your topic, both yours and others'. Try to re-create the feelings of these emotions rather than simply getting the idea of them. Then put these feelings above you. The term "emotions" here can include feelings, non-physical sensations, attitudes, and any reactions including protest.

Try to re-experience and re-create the actual emotions, feelings, sensations and reactions rather than simply getting the idea of them, but if you can't really manage that just do the best you can.


Focus on the decisions and thoughts, momentary and long-term, in your topic, both yours and others'. This includes any attitudes or states of mind not already covered. Then put these thoughts and decisions above you. This includes fixed ideas (true or false), beliefs, and agreements too.

Time Shift

As best you can, shift the time in your topic earlier for all the events from all the viewpoints. It is possible to move memories of events in time as well as in space. This is only usually possible when you are close to getting rid of the final bits of available bad energy in your topic. You can shift the time not only for yourself, but for all the viewpoints in your topic. Do the usual hard rubbing while doing this step.

If you have managed to shift the time of at least one event in your topic for at least one viewpoint, even a fraction of a second, consider that you have executed the command and click the "shifted" link.

If none of the events will shift at all, this is usually because the topic is still too heavily charged. In this case, click the "flat" link and go back over the earlier groups of commands and take more charge off your topic. Then come back later and try again.

After shifting the time earlier for one or more events and viewpoints in your topic, the next action is to shift the time for one or more events or viewpoints in your topic in the opposite direction, later, i.e. forward in time from when they first occurred.

To begin with, all the events will remain in the past, but as you work with this, rocking them backwards and forwards in time a bit more each time you do the command, the distance they travel will get bigger and bigger, the time span will get longer and longer.

Continue rocking as far as is comfortable each time, at some point going into the future from now, as well as deeper into the past. Continue until you reach the beginning of time in the past, and the end of time in the future.

To give an example, maybe one event is saying goodbye to someone at 10:30 am on 13 February 2003. You might first imagine this event taking place at 10:29 am on 13 Feb 2003, then at 10:31 am the same day. Then 10:27 am, 10:33 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 10 Feb 2003, 15 Feb 2003, 2000, 2006, 1950, 2050, 1600, 2400, 500, 3500, 10,000 years ago, 10,000 years in the future, and so on. Topics often seem to go "poof" on this step and the final charge dissipates. It can be quite magical.


Spiritual factors would include anything you think should be included in this heading that has not already been covered. It can include other people that seem to be related to your topic even though they were not obviously present at the time. It can include spiritual beings of any kind, guardian angels, or even persons who are deceased. Go with what seems to come up.

The reason for this is that such factors seem to sometimes play a part and can prevent a full discharge of your topic. This command allows you to look in the area and see if such factors apply and discharge them if they do.

By this time, if you have been thoroughly discharging your topic with earlier groups of commands, you may find that your topic has very little charge left. What comes off may be very light and ethereal in nature. Similarly, you may find it beneficial to "rub" by gently clapping your hands while they are a couple of feet apart, feeling the interplay of the auric fields as they pass through your hands. Or you may not. Your choice, but maybe try it and see what happens. This applies to the Cosmic variation too.


Cosmic factors would include all-inclusive and far-reaching ones like a Supreme Being, Creator, the All-That-Is, or some similar thing. Go with what seems to come up.

Again, the reason for this is that such factors sometimes seem to play a part and can prevent a full discharge of your topic. This command allows you to look in the area and see if such factors apply and discharge them if they do.



Sources: Above text adapted from my writings at Image: Pixabay


Feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

Free sessions

To get free online fully-personalized stress-release sessions 24/7, see the links below.


I am not a licensed practitioner in your area, and no longer give personal sessions. My works, designed for normal people and not clinical cases or the dysfunctional, treat you as a spiritual being and not mere flesh and blood. Use my free websites and videos at your own risk.

Index of my main Steemit blog posts

Table gives post number, title/link, brief notes about content.

Links to some of my stress-release sites

Yawnguy YouTube videos: Entry level. Since 2007, I deliver sessions directly to you by video on your custom topics. Start with Rub & Yawn 1/3. Entry level. Mobile-friendly. Text-based Rub & Yawn sessions. Entry level (more or less). Mobile-friendly. More options to address your own topics. Sessions use three different Rub & Yawn techniques (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian). Includes theory and explanations. Entry-level. Mobile friendly. Theory/explanations only, no session delivery. Advanced level. Desktop site. Delivers sessions on your custom topics. 3375 session pages in 31 onsite modules, using over 16 different techniques, none of them simply “talking about it”. Includes all relevant theory. Advanced level. Mobile-friendly. Experimental. PaulsRobot functionality but through icons instead of words. Includes automated session record. Video intro. Entry level. Desktop site. Links to my other sites. Over 100 testimonials. Includes roll-your-own audio session templates.

Facebook: My FB account, not used much.

Twitter: I have @yawnguy, @paulsrobot, @rubandyawn accounts, now coming out of hibernation since 2009.


Thebigsweed here. I saw that you took a look at one of my recent posts and decided to take a look at your content.
I always enjoy getting a reply with an up-vote, it tends to give my enthusiasm a boost.

Your content and the service you supply to those of us who are "normal" looks very interesting. Added to my follow list.
"treat you as a spiritual being and not mere flesh and blood."
This alone is so refreshing.

Thank you very much. I mentioned you [not as @thebigsweed, but will happily do so with your permission] in the first post of my @yawnguy2 account. You might find that post useful. 😊

a post too informative and very well structured greetings and my respects my support with my vote.

Thank you. Have you used Rub & Yawn yet?

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