Blockchain Voting - Journey to Digital Democracy
Having a fully democratic voting system is likely one of the main aspirations of countries priding themselves on equality. It is also a great leadership to hear the people and give them what they want, based on the majority of votes which is also called consensus.
Democratic countries have long hoped to provide just that with the popular petition process. It allows its million citizens to vote on significant political decisions. However, as can be imagined with so many votes, the logistics of the process is a big challenge.
This is an important process in the country though. This is because Congress is required to discuss the petition if it has the signatures of at least 1% of the Country's population. However, the lack of a dedicated and cost-effective platform to deal with these votes is a major roadblock, meaning that less and less petitions are being heard in Congress. But the coming of blockchain age makes this aim not impossible anymore.
Wow great!!@corionersmex
nice post from admin kazol674.
3upvoted and3 commented. I hope you will back 3 upvote with comment. thankyou
From group Admin
awesome article
Nice post
Keep it up