back from phuq-you pay me district court

in #court7 years ago

I did not pay, I could not pay and I would not pay without a fight if I could pay. What happens when more of America feels like this? If you can't pay what do you do? Do community service on top of your 50 hour a week job? If you will not pay what do you do? Counter sue and run up their legal cost? Or if you will not pay without a fight what will you do? File appeals and disqualifications to drag out the inevitable lose?

I tried the appeals and disqualification route which is very cumbersome and yields minimal results. As a pro se litigant the deck is stacked against you, but during the process many mistakes are made and if you know your rights document when they are being violated. The violation of any right is grounds for a law suit. We would be shocked to see how most laws are written to keep governments out of our "private" lives. The problem is we associate ourselves with the terms they have regulatory oversight of such as being a "driver" which is a commercial term i.e. someone that moves goods and services for hire. To make it easier on you think about the Hillary Clinton FBI probe. If the FBI called it "being stupid" its not a crime because the FBI does not regulate stupidity but if they called it "being careless" them the FBI would have jurisdiction because the FBI "cares." You get my point.

I first step in the journey to Federal Court appears to be as hard as state court road blocks. I was denied In Forma Pauperis status on a complete fabrication. I mainly live check to check so the assertion that I have all this discretionary income is a clear attempt to get rid of me. I filed a motion to reconsider financial affidavit due to errors and if that does not work I will file for his disqualification. If those don't work I will bring out the nuclear option and call him a racist. Hey its worth a try in politically correct America. To be continued.