Bloomberg Shows Trump Correct on Gist of Remarks Censored by Twitter

in #cover-194 years ago (edited)

According to a Bloomberg report, young children have a greater chance of dying of the common flu than they do of COVID-19. President Trump has been censored and banned by Twitter for essentially making the same point.

Trump was addressing a crisis which has transformed in four months from a request to the public to help "flatten the curve" for 14 days, to a daily vigil on "new cases." The initial fear professed by the government's chief disease-fighter, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was that the US would run out of ventilators for the neediest patients. The US is now a net exporter of the machines.

The overall survival rate for COVID is now estimated by the CDC to be very similar to flu, 99.8%. The commonly accepted overall survival rate for flu is 99.9%.

The latest brouhaha began when Trump made the remarks:

"My view is that schools should be open...If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease.”

He added that children have "much stronger immune systems" and "just don't have a problem."

The president's Twitter account was suspended by Twitter until he removed what the company called "misinformation."

Love or hate Trump, the president has become a textbook study of what the Master List of Logical Fallacies calls the "Guilt by Association" fallacy:

The fallacy of trying to refute or condemn someone's standpoint, arguments or actions by evoking the negative ethos of those with whom the speaker is identified or of a group, party, religion or race to which he or she belongs or was once associated with. A form of Ad Hominem Argument...

Bloomberg reported in May:

For children [under age 15] the risk of dying from Covid-19 appears to be much less than that of dying from influenza and pneumonia even in the most pessimistic of...scenarios.

The report included the following graphic, sourced from the US Center for Disease Control.


Although children are not "immune" from the coronavirus, as Trump incorrectly stated, they almost always quickly become immune, most often without showing symptoms.

The present survival rate does not account for the number of lives which a growing number of physicians say may have been saved by being allowed to prescribe a hydroxychloroquine protocol, an anti-malaria drug which many doctors say is being used successfully in many countries with death rates which are a fraction of the death rates in the US.

Source: America's Frontline Doctors


Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses
image.png Video MP4 file download link.

Important note: RFK Jr. is NOT an "anti-vaxxer," as he has been defamed in the media. He is committed to an adequately tested, necessary, and safe vaccination schedule, driven by health outcomes, not profits.


The slain president's activist nephew speaks out. Through a platform of artificial intelligence, global satellite surveillance, and human implants linked to data showing everything about you, a system of digital currency and bio-feedback will enslave you once and for all to the elite .1%. The reason for generating the fear over a 99.8% survival rate virus, (similar to flu) is clearly in focus. Bill Gates is a driving force behind this plan. Global mandatory vaccination will be the vehicle to get access to your body, another Gates project for many years. Share, repost, share again.

Important Reading for All Americans

"CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%" (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

20% of “Operation Warp Speed” Moderna Vaccine Trial Group Gets Sick, as CDC Mortality Rate for COVID Drops Sharply to Flu Levels

RFK Jr. website: Children's Health Defense

Bill Gates, DARPA & New DNA NanoTech COVID-19 Vaccines, BY DAVID DEGRAW

"Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence"

"Studies Support Doctors' Revolt Against Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine in US, Could Save "75,000 to 100,000 Lives""

Yale School of Public Medicine's Dr. Harvey Risch, HCQ Could Save "75,000 to 100,000 Lives"

Florida Doctor On Fake "New Cases" Positives, Shortage of Beds Myth, Says HCQ Works

Doctor Zev Zelenko, Who Has Treated Hundred of COVID Patients Says if HCQ Can Be Used, "Pandemic is Over"