Watch This Like Your Life Depends On It! COVID is a Deception! Do You Know Why?

in #covid3 years ago (edited)

First of all, there are now four known cures to the so-called "COVID" sickness, all of which were suppressed by the Zionist-owned and CIA-controlled mainstream media as ordered by globalist scumbags and their frontman Klaus Schwab, neither of whom have our best interest in mind. It's actually the exact opposite. We are useless eaters and Goyim and they come right out and tell us their plans to exterminate us. The entire COVID plandemic was a planned genocidal event with documentation signed by the Rothschilds in 2015, to prepare for this genocide-by-vaccine, and remember, they never expected Hillary Clinton to lose. They are behind schedule and because they are racing to catch up, they are making lots of mistakes and people are noticing how evil they are and what their plans for humanity are. The hit pieces put out by the lying and deceiving mainstream media to make Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin look bad are not going to work. The people know they are very effective and safe drugs that have been around for forty plus years. Ivermectin even cures cancer! The globalists hate this.

Note: Regardless of technological advances and the decline of a necessary workforce, it is not up to globalists and the .001% to determine who should die from their manufactured bioweapons. They are not God. As a matter of fact, life would be beautiful for all if only they were all in prison, where they will soon be. Not even their children will be able to rise in power since their assets will be seized and shared with the entire world.

COVID vaccines are an Agenda 21 depopulation event. Did you know that COVID is factually much less severe than the regular influenza, which magically disappeared when COVID arrived, hint...hint? It is extremely important that we deliver a message to all people who believe the lies. Tell them to go to Most people don't even know what it is. There is so much proof available on that there is no reason we will lose this spiritual battle between Good and Evil, God and Satan.

It is imperative that we get anyone who believes this COVID deception to promise they will go to and learn the truth about this COVID deception and planned Communist worldwide invasion. They will also learn so much more! They must also watch the following video until it is over: Do not be fearful! We are going to defeat these Luciferian enemies of humanity, and I'm not just saying that. We are already winning. Do not give up! They will fall soon but people must wake up to the full comprehension of what our true reality is and what is being planned for us, other than the extermination of 7 billion people.

We are in the middle of a genocide-by-vaccine while slowly and incrementally putting in place a Luciferian/Communist one-world government. The long-term objective is to give booster shots, turn on 5G, to activate the Graphene, and kill as many people as possible. Learn what is happening in Australia. COVID is a tool of compliance and mass murder, among many other things.

Please try to get mask wearing people to take off their masks and send them to to learn the truth. That is the best approach since people must wake up on their own. They are not going to listen to anyone unless it is in the form of a video. If it came from their TV, they would most certainly believe it. This CIA/DARPA TV mind control program began in 1945/46 and has been ongoing ever since. People are literally being programmed, and they tell us what they are doing by using words like "TV programming," right to our faces. Freemasons are masters of using mental word trickery and deception. Anyhow, the easiest way to explain what is happening to someone is to send them to Bitchute is loaded with the truth!

Please watch this video and share the information. Get people to go to