
Hello!! I wondered if any old friends were still around! So great to see you and your husband! Longsilver says "Hello" - he hopes to get blogging again soon.

He's going to get blogging again soon what about you?'s like once every six months or something you

Both of us intend to... Life is a bit nuts. We have our granddaughters 4 days a week, and he was recently diagnosed with scoliosis and at just over a year to his planned retirement, we are looking at putting him on disability and selling the farm, it is just getting worse that fast. But it is good to see you still here!!

Wow, sorry to hear that. I know you love being out in that beautiful landscape and those wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Was it something they missed, like a mild case when he was younger or is it age related degenerative?

Degenerative. We are not giving up hope yet, but so far physical therapy is not helping much.

A few years back I went to the doctor because my back was always sore after waking up in the morning. He said I had some minor age related degenerative bone issues. Of course nothing on the scale your husband is going through but a few years back my kids bought me an electric blanket for Christmas and I was quite surprised how much it helped keeping my back from getting sore. A lot of times if I slept more than five or six hours at a time and I could wake up with quite a backache. I just wanted the blanket to heat up my bed before I went to bed so I put it under my sheet to warm the bed up and it ended up having a secondary benefit.

That is an outstanding idea, he always says he cannot tolerate his back getting cold. Thanks! Hope you continue to do well, and I hope it helps him. He wound up asking his doctor for Rx pain pills, something he NEVER takes.
And fun little side note... That comment I made to you, here on my page with my screen name and his, no real names... less than 24 hours after I said that to you, HE got a phone call from some company offering to help him get on disability... The fuckers track our every move, every where.

Even onto the blockchain, thought the blockchain couldn't be used like that, suppose to be their own self identify or something like that. One day last week I tried going onto Fox News blog site and I thought they had blocked me because I couldn't sign in. I went to a different browsers to look up something and when I was done I tried again and I could sign in. A couple of nights later I tried to go onto their site again but couldn't sign on. I was watching at the bottom of the screen where it list the steps it's taking to connect you, once it got to saying google something...because it flashes so fast you can't read it all it just went blank and wouldn't let me sign in. I went to the other browser and signed in with no problem. I don't go over there like I use to before the election and usually when I do it's to ask why they don't talk about the democrats blocking efforts to forensically audit the ballots. Since it's election related I wonder if google is blocking my access, it's either usually the election or vaccines. Just thought that was really weird. It's funny how you never figured you'd have to be tip toeing around on the internet. Something similar happened to me also when someone gave a link out to a petition and asked people to check it out and sign, it was someone whose been around quite a while, years actually, on one particular site. I went and read it but decided not to sign it. Within I'd say fifteen minutes I was called. All I did was look at the site I didn't even input any information and even if I did I wouldn't put my phone number on there.