Stockholm Syndrome People - Covid

in #covid3 years ago

When an abused or hostage victim has positive feelings towards their
abuser or captor.


So for around 2 years and on you've been told lie after lie.

1st there's a mega deadly virus and hospitals are full.

2nd the people doing this have been on camera way before any of this happened talking about how they need to scare people into taking this new vaccine and on how vaccines can help lower the population because theres too many of us apparently...

3rd you will have your freedoms back after the vaccine and it will protect you. Now it turns out it doesn't stop transmission or you getting sick. So now the lie becomes, well you won't end up in the hospital though.
Yet the same people are firing the very people needed in those hospitals because of noncompliance to tyrannical measures.

4th the only people who have benefitted from lockdowns are the already rich.

5th these people have been caught lying time and time again, and paying miniscule fees for their lies compared to all the profit they make, so why stop right...

6th they don't mask unless on camera to get us to be good little sheep and follow. Many videos and photos are out there as proof of this.

7th they are telling you the world won't go back to the way it was. They call it The Great Reset/ The New World Order/The Fourth Industrial revolution.

8th they say you will own nothing and be happy, (because of course they will own everything).

9th most are complying and hating on their brothers and sisters due to the separation created by the government. Government stands for mindcontrol by the way. Look up what it means in Latin. They use latin alot, just look at the back of your dollar bill.

So to the non-self educated. In a scientific way you are following insanity and tyranny. In an occult way you are also following blindly. You watch your television programming = mental programming. Brought to you by your government = mind control.

So you stare into this scrying/black mirror allday which is known to put you into a hypnotic state where you are susceptible to ideas and such. You are changing the channel as if it makes a difference. They are channeling to you, get it yet? You watch Hunger Games and eventually Squid Games and obssess over them as a society. Not realizing they are telling you this is what they want and implanting that in your subconscious.

People sure do love their Government even when its as unAmerican and unFreedomly (if thats a word, lol) as it gets. The level of Stockholm Syndrome is ridiculous.

Just know, your kids and kids kids are going to have to live in this world you are allowing to happen. You've complied for over 2 years and nothing has changed. Once they have their systems in place, eventually, because cowards keep acquiesing, there won't be any turning back.

Also they are telling us they need to stop mis-information. Better believe this will be considered, mis-information. Of course they would never mis-inform, so they get to decide. Soon enough all these alternative views may dissapear. And the next generation with their bit of allowable information will be living in this junk and not even knowing it. Wake Up!

Thank you to cottonbro from for the free picture download.

The smaller your perceptions become and the smaller box you keep being put into the smaller
your world gets.