Using Critical Thinking To Recognize The Vaccine Mapped Agenda - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #covid193 years ago

P1 1963 Jake, Forrest Richard Keith 605 E Grace Toledo.jpg

Reading The Road Map

These two photos were taken in 1963. They are relatives of mine. Dad is the suited tall one with glasses. These gentlemen are using a road map and thinking though directions together. These men have since passed, all from natural causes, except one who tragically died in an auto crash.

P2 Jim Keith Richard Forrest 605 E Grace Toledo.jpg

With the invention of big brother GPS, road maps have become obsolete. Sadly too, our ability to think critically. Our society has become passive and perhaps grown fat and lazy with the many conveniences we have at our disposal. State run press-stitute media has littered our minds with propaganda, offering to do the thinking for us. So much is at our disposal, yet we are too eager to dispose of our critical thinking skills. We have become mesmerized by charismatic leaders, who end up leading the people to ruin.

Recognizing the Kool-Aid

I am reminded of Jim Jones and the his followers in Guyana. The misled people of Jonestown thought they had found real direction in their lives... a self-sustaining agriculture community utopia with a leader who they trusted. Yet, 918 died from drinking or injecting a cyanide laced powdered kool-Aid. Only a few had the critical thinking skills left to know to get out. Only a handful survived by running into the jungle.

Dry test runs were used to condition the Jonestown followers for that tragic day.

And Injected Depopulation

Today, the world is being injected with a different type of Kool-Aid. This one contains the deadly ingredient, graphene oxide that can kill. You will find it in the Covid 19 Jab that is being marketed and soon mandated to the public. You will also find deaths related to the vaccine, resulting from blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. The spiked proteins are a nightmare inflammatory toxin to the body. To date, 6,985 have died in the US from the jab and 411, 911 adverse reactions,. This brings the Covid jab to be one of the top 50 causes of death in the US. The virus/vaccine has been the one two punch. First, depopulating the old, dependent and unhealthy with the virus... then plant the ticking time bomb vaccines in adults and children, creating death and sterilization.

In a vaccine trial using mice, all died within two weeks. That is equal of two to three years of human life. Remember the jab has graphene oxide. Bill Gates has said we need to depopulate the earth by 90 percent by the year 2030. Also know that the corona virus patents (plural) have been around for years. This strain is nothing new, and neither will be the propagandized variants.

This supposed vaccine injection is experimental and authorized for emergency use only, Yet, we, the people, seem to be the experiment of depopulation. Few realize that this is not a real vaccine but rather a gene therapy that alters you DNA. I personally choose to keep my original DNA intact. I believe God knows my body better than man and has made me perfectly,.

It seems the virus is the vaccines... and the propaganda promoting them. I am reminded of the old problem, reaction, solution scenario where the solution is the real problem. How Orwellian. Most everyone survives covid and it is not the real pandemic that fear mongering Fauci made it out to be.

This is not an infectious disease apocalypse - Dr, Jim Meeham

With it's Marketed Propaganda

Yet, they are bribing you to take the jab. Take your pick from the buffet of rewards,... Krispy Kreme Donuts, lottery tickets, burgers, gift cards, food, paid days off from your employer... and the list goes on. I spotted this one in my small home town of 2,500 population in a Dollar Fresh Hy-Vee grocery store.

What is the value of your life? Will you be bribed with a vaccine buffet reward?

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Of Fear Mongering

The Fauci fear mongering and Biden door to door vaccine mandates are 1940's Germany tactics being funded by Bill Gates. Models created the fear and the falsely calibrated PCR tests kept the fear going. And across the pond, the UK is expected to go into a permanent lockdown later this summer, due to a supposed more dangerous variant This is only a rebranding of hay fever being disguised as a virus. A natural disaster would bring this in. The link below is in reference to a leaked document about this. I highly encourage you to listen to this eye opening interview.

In addition, manufacturers are being restricted from shipping their product to stores. Despite threats of inflation, it would be smart to stock up on food, medicine and supplies now, while store shelves are still stocked. It has been said he who controls the food, controls the people. Did you know that Bill Gates has bought up 25 percent of the farmland in America?

Using Critical Thinking

The deep state is running out of time. They never expected the Trump card in 2016, and now are playing catch up. In the past decades they used abortion, the CPS and the war on families to depopulate. Cov 19 is their depopulation agenda on steroids, as they move toward transhumanism and certificates of vaccination (COV). The 19 translated in our alphabet is A and I as AI... or artificial intelligence.

We End The Depopulation Agenda

Ultimately, it is about control and depopulation. The powers that run the world, believe humans are fast becoming obsolete. We must return to being independent critical thinkers and dispose of our sheep-like dependency and laziness. It is time to see writing on the road map and together to work out the plan to thrive again.

When we use critical thinking, we never become obsolete. We see their nefarious mapped agenda and can make wise decisions.

Please Don't Take Their kool-Aid of Mass Suicide Depopulation. Please Don't Take The Jab.

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Completely ridiculouslin a 10 dollar gift voucher :-)