in #covid192 years ago


GLOBAL PURGE USING VACCINE: Email to my Pro-vaccine Brother

New school year begins for your kids.

Since you're my brother, I felt the responsibility to still inform you that hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been damaged ( injured ) or have died from the Covid Vaccines but the MSM and CDC covered up the Vaccine Deaths and Injuries for their bosses WEF, Vatican, the German Queen of England and the pedophile elite Globalists inside the City of London within London.

Depending of if you got #1 vaccine ( Saline Placebo ), #2 vaccine ( MRNA literally changes your DNA, creating mutations in your cells so your body will slowly malfunction in repair yourself leading to many diseases ) or #3 vaccine ( MRNA and Oncogene where patient that receives this vaccine will develop soft tissue cancer witin 2 years )

... so you were asking me why, previously, why not everyone is dropping dead at once....well if all the vaccines were the #3 vaccine, then the world would know that all the Sudden Deaths these past years, was caused by the injections and not from the serious Flu reported by the lying mainstream media controlled by the Vaccine company bosses.

In some schools, the government has given school nurses the freedom to inject your kids, without notifying the parents for asking parents for permission. This is how bold, the greedy medical community and politicians have become. In the states, parents who did their own research and from own experience of being vaccine injured, have pulled their kids out of school, to prevent their children from develop life long disease and cancers which will need life long treatments, drugs and even surgeries and 24 hours care for those seriously brain injured by the heavy metals used to preserve the deadly vaccines ( YES, the brain damaging Aluminum and Mercury ( thimerisol ) used to preserve the vials of vaccines are STILL INSIDE the injections.

Since your family seems to be okay with taking these experimental vaccines. I still want to tell you that the Vaccine and Drug companies are NOT LIABLE for any damages or deaths due to their vaccines ( NOT LIABILITY at all ), you may want to report any vaccine injuries or side effect to
Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Canada -
The Public Health Agency of Canada collects case reports on adverse events following immunization from provincial and territorial health departments, health care professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.

... to try to get tax payer compensation if you or your family develops an illness that you think may be related to the covid19 vaccines

This fall time, since the government, was not able to shill off the millions of vaccines they purchased following the false data provided by the corrupt CDC, they have lots of left over vaccines as many Canadians have woken up and have decided NOT to take the poisonous booster shots...that these extra covid19 ingredients will be added to the seasonal Flu Shots and then will be added to all Childhood Vaccines so please watch out for any of these common side effects that happen after the Vaccine #2 ( MRNA ) and Vaccine #3 ( MRNA and oncogene ):

Common Vaccine Side Effects:
Hair Loss
Nerve Damage
Erectile Dysfunction
Swelling Testicles
Testicular Cancer
Lymphatic Cancer
Leukemia Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Severe Photosensitivity
Eczema ( severe skin thickening rashes )
Difficulty Focusing Eyes
Sudden Fear & Anxiety
Double Vision
Autoimmune Diseases
Big Bruising Patches
Slowly Destroys your Natural Immune System
Vision Problems
Brain Seizures
Brain Strokes
Neurological Disorders
Numbness & Tingling sensation on various body parts
Muscle Weakness
Brain Swelling
Anaphylactic reaction to every food you eat, swelling and suffocation follows
Hemorrhagic Stroke ( brain bleeding leading to a stroke
Guillain-Barre syndrome ( GBS )
Tunnel Vision
Bruising caused by low blood platelets linked to vaccine ingredients ( Thrombacytopenia )
Black outs leading to sudden fainting for no reason
Delayed Menstrual Cycles ( toxic vaccine ingredients causes Ovarian Failure just like the Gardasil HPV vaccines for kids and females
Menstrual Periods to bleed out and does not stop, leading child and females to need blood transfusion/infusion
Panic Attacks
Blood Cancers
ALS disease ( ice bucket challege for a disease caused by childhood vaccines )
Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) $6,000 per month for meds when you develop MS after the vaccine ( big profits for the Drug & Vaccine companies
The covid19 vaccines has caused many patients to lose 40% of their own Natural Immune System given to them by their mother at birth
The Cytokine storm caused by the vaccine ingredients causes serious Anemia
Muscle Spasms
Full Body Convulsions ( entire body or limb shakes violently, non-stop after vaccine damages brain
Septic Shock, leading to arms or legs or both being AMPUTATED
Sudden dangerous Low Blood Pressure
Blood Clots in the legs causing Leg Thombosis
Blood Clots in the brain causing brain swelling, and leaking
Sudden development of very High Blood Pressure
Vitiligo ( skin depigmentation 2 weeks after Moderna vaccination
I know that you do not believe any of this but I felt I needed to inform you and your family, in hopes that you can remain healthy during this Global Purge before the Great Reset by the Banks into the trackable CBDC and FED coin. As the west is moving all it's citizens into a communist world, they will be bringing in the Digital ID ( Arrive Can app ), Facial Recognition and Social Credit Scoring System for their new World Prison where everone is tracked, monitored and censored on the net and if you refuse to do what they say all the Digital Money ( CBDC ) will be DELETED, you will have nothing and be has begun...

My own family have not gotten any injections yet, we all caught covid, treated it with multivitamins, Elderberry Syrup ( to help bring up the phlegm, Zinc ( virus killer ), Quercetin supplement ( also in Onions help transport the Zinc into your cells to fight the Covid Virus ( serious Flu ) and Chaga Mushroom tea for two weeks and ended up with zero side effects. But thousands upon thousand took their 3rd and 4th shots and still caught covid, many were left with autoimmune diseases, shingles (monkey pox), Cancer resurgence and many died.

NAC, Vitamins D & C, plus Selenium, and Vitamin K2 or Apple Cider Vinegar ( dissolves early blood clots ) is helpful too.

You can try to ask any friend who is a nurse or has a family member who is a nurse at a hospital, ask them how many of their sick and dying covid patients are fully vaccinated, you will be surprised how little unvaccinated are hospitalized.

Those people who were unlucky enough and believed all the bullshit shovelled out by the lying MSM, FDA, CDC, WHO, DR FAUCI, DR BONNIE HENRY, DR communist Theresa Tam, CCP controlled Biden and communist Trudeau...may only have 3-5 years of life left if you were vaccinated with the Vaccine #2 & #3... most world leader and pedophile politicians linked to th WEF and the Globalists would have been given the Vaccine #1 ( harmless saline placebo )

REMEMBER, when your family member is seriously injured for life or dies within weeks to months ( slow kill injections ), remember who pushed you and your family to take these dangerous bio-weapon injection to help globalists reduce the world populations numbers to a more manageable number...lockdowns, restrictions, mandates, climate change, LGBTQ agenda and the imported of hundreds of thousands of violent illegal males is being used to create huge CHAOS as Biden orders the dumping of all baby formula to manufacture a baby formula shortage ( starving babies may die ), and the off railing of trains cars bringing fertilizer to farmers that grow your food, the covid restrictions and mandates and slow down or stop truckers and ships from transporting food and supplies ...wait until all the shortage and lack of staff caused by the firing of healthy unvaccinated workers leads to riots and protests, along with citizens fighting the George Soros funded Antifa, the BLM movement funded by the Cult of Islam and the millions of imported illegals and migrants ( mostly Muslim ) for Food and Housing ... by the way if you didn't already know...Many, many Muslim men of the Cult of Islam ( Sharia Law to control the west ) are being brought in by plane, train, boats, trucks and buses along with gangs and ciminals and resettled quietly inside your citiies, towns and forests to help Trudeau and Biden turn the west into controllable 3rd world countries and to make ISLAM the only surviving RELIGION on earth ( the Globalists loves Islam as it supports pedophilia and the raping of little kids...the Muslim man will marry the child he rapped to escape prison time.

Places like Sweden that brought in millions of Refugees ( mostly muslims ) have their rape and violent crimes skyrocket through the years but their police are told to turn a blind eyes to the violents crimes so that more FAKE REFUGEES from safe countries can be brought in to outnumer the existing population. Once you become the minority, your government will bring in the Muslim's Sharia Law ( which allow for the chopping off of arms and legs for small crimes and also allows the criminal to escape jail for rape and murder ). Their pedophile SHARIA LAW will be place above your laws and you will be helpless to stop this. Your children will be groomed by the migrant Grooming Gangs and pimped to the country.

Do not go after the small businesses that enforce the communist masking and social distancing plus deadly vaccine uptake but rather the large corporations like Amazon, Walmart, Costco, Superstore, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google and the MSM like Bloomberg, CNN, GLOBAL NEW, CNBC, CBC, GUARDIAN, POLITIFACTS, ABC news, MSNBC. Hospital Doctors, corrupT Lawyers, Anderson Cooper, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver, Oprah, Tom Hanks, Lady GaGa ( male ), Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Behar, Ellen Degeneras, Obama, George Bush, the Clintons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, DISNEY, IMF, BIS, the Comex, and the Central BANKS that were all a part of this Global Vaccine Scheme $$$ to kill as many people as possible and bring in the Cult of ISLAM throughout the Earth: PEDOPHILIA WORLDWIDE on a massive scale.

Support the Trucker and Farmers that bring in our food, and remove Biden and Trudeau who are manufacturing all the Food Shortages via Covid Restrictions and Mandates to steal much of your money through their Climate Change TAXES. DO YOUR FUCKIN RESEARCH, THE WEATHER HAS NOT CHANGED THAT MUCH FOR DECADES. STOP FALLING FOR THE THE VACCINE AND COVID LIES BY THE CORRUP MSM AND CDC.

I wonder where Bill Gates lives in his many homes ( Most deadly vaccines funded by Bill Gates, research into develop dangerous viruses to release into the world is by Dr. Fauci and the U.S. shadow government's military. Let's sleep outside their homes and protest

Let me look up the addresses of all the Vaccine company buildings of Moderna, Pfizer, J & J, AstraZeneca, Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck & Co, Sanofi...maybe we can protest outside


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