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RE: COVID-19 | Safety Distance: 4 Meters | Hospital Personnel Spreads The Disease

in #covid194 years ago

Is there a lack of protective gear like face masks and stuff in hospitals?

Yes and no. I mean, I think we have a decent supply but if things get worse, we'll run out of it rather quickly. That being said, I work in the psychiatry department and we don't have any safety gear at all. No masks or anything. We use gloves when we serve meals. No more than that.

The thing we've heard so far is: "If and/or when a patient have symptoms". Which basically means that we will start to use safety gear if or when a patient has symptoms. But not before that.


In the psych department it would be much less critical to avoid contagion.

The one good thing about this crisis is that it has shown the weaknesses is our preparation.