IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF COVID19: The Truth Is Out There (Part 3)

in #covid192 years ago


This in-depth analysis of COVID19 is 19k words and 42 pages long. This PDF is the entire report so it is easier to download and read. I have spent many months working on providing you this analysis. I hope you find it informative and it helps you understand the dangers that are fast approaching all of us. Please send questions or comments to jhann.analysis @, email is also in the PDF. I will try to respond. Thank you.


Since Steemit only allows so much text I have split this report into multiple parts.





Since the start of the pandemic, media has been pushing the narrative that ICU beds are dangerously close to being full again; “two weeks!”. As I mentioned previously, over the previous two years the healthcare workforce in the U.S. has declined, reducing the number of available ICU staffing beds. ICU occupancy for Washington State is determined by this formula:


(Number of ICU beds occupied during the 7-day period / ICU staffed beds during the 7-day period) x 100 = Percent ICU Occupancy


Data as of 12/20/2021


If a hospital has 10 ICU beds staffed and 8 are currently filled when the hospital terminates some staff and reduces the number of staffed beds available to 8 their ICU Occupancy rate jumps from 80% to 100% without seeing an actual increase in patients. However, the media and government use the 20% increase to generate more fear. This is manipulating statistics and using those to support lying to the public. Do you remember all of the Army field hospitals that were set up in 2020 but then never saw COVID19 patients like it was only a training exercise?


If hospital usage was really that big of an issue then these field hospitals should have stayed open since the start of the pandemic to take care of the overflow of COVID19 patients. Restricting and controlling citizens, shutting down business, and damaging local economies because a private or public hospital might overflow when efficient and effective alternatives exist is criminal. This issue is further expanded due to healthcare professionals being terminated for refusing to get the COVID19 vaccines. As these individuals are terminated from their jobs the healthcare worker shortage has become even worse. These frontline heroes were praised since the start for working directly with COVID19 patients, so why are they now being terminated and vilified because they don’t want to take an injection when it wasn’t needed before? These individuals had no issues with conducting their duties and responsibilities since the pandemic started and they weren’t vaccinated then, so why such a harsh push to force vaccinations on them?


The CDC has changed its reporting guidelines several times since the pandemic started. In May 2021, the CDC again updated its guidelines to stop reporting on fully vaccinated people, those with two shots of Pfizer or Moderna or one shot of Johnson & Johnson (this definition will change to include many future boosters), who test positive for COVID19 unless it results in a hospitalization or death. This update reduces the number of breakthrough cases it has to report even though the CDC will still track unvaccinated individuals who test positive for COVID19 even if the individuals are not hospitalized or die. This is more lying with statistics by showing unvaccinated having COVID19 at a much higher rate than fully vaccinated.





“Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty” – Plato, The Republic, c. 375 BC


At the start of COVID19 we were told the lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, would only be for two weeks, which started in March 2020. That clearly turned out to be a lie with some states staying in lockdown restrictions for months. We circled back to these tyrannical restrictions because of the Delta and Omicron COVID19 variants, and will do so again during the 2022 Cold and Flu season in a rolling lockdown fashion. Due to the knee jerk reaction by the government, not a virus, the unemployment rate went from 3.5% to close to 15% causing over 36 million individuals to file claims for unemployment in 2020. Many are still out of work or moved into a different industry career paths that had job openings. The Federal Reserve released a study showing that roughly 200,000 establishments above the average yearly number closed for good in the first year of COVID19, and continued to add to this number in 2021. The loss of businesses was mostly due to government restrictions on opening and running, not a virus. Do you think this negative trend will not continue as the government restricts more and forces mandatory vaccinations? What about the next virus? Because there will be another virus.


Governor Inslee of Washington State ordered the halt of elective surgeries and dental services in March 2020. Other governors followed suit by enacting their own version of restrictions. This caused people to miss important and needed appointments to maintain their health and to catch deadly issues early on. Now again because of restrictions, and this unethical push to vaccinate everyone, patients are having medical procedures like transplants being denied because they are unvaccinated. How long until these procedures are denied because you didn’t get your booster or another vaccine the government approves for the market?


Due to the lockdown restrictions many hospitals and healthcare facilities started furloughing tens of thousands of healthcare workers for months in 2020. These furloughs caused a reduction in the workforce by individuals finding other careers and jobs. There is a healthcare worker shortage that is happening all over the U.S. right now that has some direct correlation and causation to these lockdowns, and these shortages have only gotten worse as we moved through 2022.


Another negative aspect to the government lockdowns and restrictions is what it is doing to the mental health of many citizens. Anxiety and depression symptoms significantly increased due to these lockdowns and restrictions, especially among children. Suicide attempts in teenagers increased by up to 51% between February – March 2021 per the CDC compared to the same period in 2019. Mental illness helplines have reported a 65% increase in calls and emails. The increase in suicides and overdose deaths in teenagers have totaled individually more than the deaths of COVID19 for the same age range and same time range COVID19 has been around. Fentanyl overdoses have been the leading cause of death in adults between the ages of 18 and 45, so again why is so much effort being focused on COVID19? Do we only care and think about the children, elder, or healthcare workers when it suits our biases? The lockdowns and restrictions are more dangerous to youth and the economy than COVID19 has been or will ever be. Government mandates and restrictions are more dangerous for the economy and our livelihood than what the COVID19 virus could do to us.



Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

In the 1800’s a French chemist by the name of Lousi Pasteur made Germ theory popular. Germ theory is the mainly held standard for how diseases, symptoms, and infections occur in society focusing on microorganisms as the driver of most diseases. This theory and view brought the advancements of antibiotics and vaccines, which antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria in the process which can lead to negative consequences and antibiotic resistant pathogens. Vaccines primarily focus on a singular disease and pathogen as well and has led to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a phenomenon where vaccines can cause the enhancement of a virus’s entry and replication in a host’s cells.


The overuse of antibiotics has driven the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria causing another global crisis. The average human body is made up of roughly 39 trillion microorganism cells and 30 trillion human cells. We are more microorganisms than human with many of these microorganisms being a benefit to our survivability and health. Antibiotics can destroy these helpful microorganisms and damage our immune systems when overused. Germ theory is limited with its singular focus on treating the disease instead of the entire system of the individual.


The last words Lousi Pasteur spoke was “Bernard is right, ‘Le Meliu Interior’ is everything, the bacteria nothing”. Pasteur’s friend, physiologist Claude Bernard, viewed that the terrain of the human body, the entire system as a whole, was more important than any pathogen that infects it. What if government has been pushing the wrong theories on how we can keep ourselves healthy without the need of government or a long list of pharmaceutical drugs? Healthy scientific debate should include discussions, experiments, and studies that focus on each theory and how they compare to each other. Instead, only one theory is pushed as the only truth in public schools which drives the need for others to help keep us healthy. In today’s society, if you step out of accepted public opinion people tend to ostracize, segregate, harass, threaten, or commit violence against those who seek non-group think.






“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” – Voltaire


Vaccines initially were defined as “pertaining to cows, from cows” which came from Edward Jenner in 1796 when he inoculated an eight-year-old boy with cowpox preventing smallpox infection, causing natural immunity to both. This type of inoculation is no longer done as the vaccines today contain other types of genetic material and chemicals that come with real risks beyond the viral infection. This of course are traditional vaccines that attempt to mimic natural immunity inoculation. Traditional vaccines come with real risks including death. If you want a more in-depth review of traditional vaccines then you should read my previous vaccine article that I published in 2019.


The experimental mRNA vaccines are completely new and are still in their initial testing phase so we have no idea what the long-term effects will be with them. Phase 3 tests won’t be over until the end of 2022 and 2023, with final reports provided in 2025. During Trump’s administration, Trump launched Operation Warp Speed in 2020 with the goal of developing a coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020, which borders unethical and immoral practices. How many of you that absolutely hated Trump but have been willing to be injected by something he pushed to create at a record pace?


In 2012, the CDC defined vaccination as an “injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease” and vaccine as “a product that produces immunity therefore protecting the body from the disease. Vaccines are administered through needle injections, by mouth and by aerosol.” The CDC currently defines vaccines as “a suspension of live (usually attenuated) or inactivated microorganisms (e.g. bacteria or viruses) or fractions thereof administered to induce immunity and prevent infectious diseases and their sequelae. Some vaccines contain highly defined antigens (e.g., the polysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae type b or the surface antigen of hepatitis B); others have antigens that are complex or incompletely defined (e.g. Bordetella pertussis antigens or live attenuated viruses).” On another CDC page it defines vaccination as “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.” The definition of vaccination has changed recently from “produce immunity” to “produce protection”. This slight change in wording changes the actual definition by a lot. Immunity keeps someone from being infected, not being symptomatic. Protection only means to protect someone from the severity of the infection. This is sophistry. If the COVID19 vaccines do not keep people from catching or transmitting COVID19 then it does not fit the definition of a vaccine by eliciting immunity and prevention of infection. Influenza vaccines fall under the same concept and fail to meet the standard of immunity. Cold and Flu “vaccines” are really only potential immunity boosters if they worked as advertised, which it can be argued they do not with these non-vaccines causing more damage than any potential benefit.


Since Governor Inslee in Washington State started mentioning mandatory vaccinations, at the end of July in 2021, it has been his goal to make religious exemptions “as narrow as possible”, which was discovered in emails obtained by a public disclosure request. The mandate also removed the option of weekly testing for all state workers and healthcare personnel. This was a month before the FDA issued its licensure approval for the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine, so he was already mandating it while it was officially still an experimental medical procedure. Even past Inslee’s deadlines to start COVID19 vaccine injections the licensed Pfizer product was not even available for people to get, so only the official experimental medical procedures were available. Why was there discussion on mandating a medical procedure that comes with the risk of death for healthcare and state workers when the medical procedure available was still only approved under the Emergency Use Act (EUA) for high risk individuals? Why would a governor do this to his citizens? Maybe it is due to Governor Inslee having connections and ties, including family ties, to some of the major players in this political theater being played out?


To be approved under the EUA the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product, and no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition should exist. Since the experimental trials for the COVID19 vaccines are still on-going until 2022 and 2023 then risk is still unknown. On top of this, there are several alternatives that have been shown to combat COVID19. Based on these facts none of the COVID19 vaccines should have been approved for the EUA nor licensure. We should never blindly trust in the actions of governors especially when they tend to act in a tyrannical manner.


In 2020, Governor Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID19 patients to nursing homes which directly led to the highest death rate in the nation, 6,400 deaths were recorded by July 2020. He did this to free up hospitals and their staffed beds while putting the most at risk population at an even greater risk. This callous disregard for the health and safety of his citizens is the same mentality shared by other governors and those in political power. Governor Cuomo made millions off a book deal and then was forced out of office over sexual harassment allegations. Is mass murder really acceptable over sexual harassment? Governor Cuomo faced zero liability and accountability for his tyrannical actions. He made decisions that killed thousands of the most at risk population. Why would you trust these people with your health and safety when they clearly do not care about your loved ones who are at the greatest risk?


St. Louis County in Missouri defines a “Fully Vaccinated Person” as a “person who 14 days prior received a second dose of a 2 dose series or 14 days prior received one dose of a single dose vaccine. A person is not fully vaccinated until this time period of 14 days from the last date of the required dose has lapsed. Additionally, after 3 months from the last dose, a person is no longer considered to be a Fully Vaccinated Person.” Read that again. Someone can only be considered fully vaccinated within a three-month period after 14 days post single dose or second injection of a two-dose series vaccine. Outside of this small window an individual is considered unvaccinated. How many injections are you willing to chase to be considered “fully vaccinated”? Biden and Dr. Fauci have discussed requiring COVID19 boosters every five months, since antibodies drop significantly the further you get away from the last injection. Do you really trust the government with injecting yourself every few months? Where is your line? When do you say no more? When does it end? Do you accept this as your new normal? How many more billions in taxpayer funds do you feel comfortable with the government handing over to these for-profit pharmaceutical companies while forcing you to inject their products? This entire situation should throw up red flags for everyone. This is a slippery slope and we as a society are moving full steam ahead, over a cliff.



mRNA Vaccines

DNA provides the blueprint for how our cells work and function. mRNA, messenger RNA, takes the instructions from our DNA and provides those instructions to our cells so the cells can perform to the specifications of how our genes are encoded. mRNA is short-lived within the body, and help regulate the rate of protein production. mRNAs translate into proteins that comprise key cell components. mRNA vaccines recode these messenger RNA strands to trick the cells into acting beyond what we naturally have in our DNA and genes. Basically, mRNA vaccines conduct a man-in-the-middle attack on the cells by altering the instructions our cells need to function properly. mRNA vaccines are gene therapies and are still highly experimental. Moderna, one of the pharmaceutical companies producing a COVID19 mRNA vaccine, says that their products and mRNA technology “can teach the body how to make a specific protein that can help your immune system prevent or treat certain diseases”. But are these specific spike proteins safe and effective to be produced by our cells in abundance?


A study from Temple University shows that the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins trigger inflammatory responses in the brain which may contribute to altered brain function and damage. This damage was confirmed through examination of cadavers. The new line of mRNA vaccines causes the body to produce these dangerous spike proteins in abundance which can freely travel to every organ and spot within the body. There are no studies or evidence to suggest that these vaccines are not damaging the brain which will have long-term effects that have yet to be identified, it is not being researched nor looked at. What incentive do these for-profit pharmaceutical companies have to research the dangers that come with these liability free products? Remember, these are still experimental vaccines and it will be years to learn what they are really doing to those who have been taking them. The more injections you get the greater the damage they could be causing. If you have already been vaccinated did you realize you are part of the largest medical experiment conducted in human history? Are you sure there will be no long-term side effects?


Whistleblowers have come forward and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an in-depth investigation showing an extreme lack of data integrity around the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine trials, which should cause questions. Especially from a corporation who has shown a desire to lie and manipulate data to drive higher profits. Only nine of the 153 vaccination test sites and data were inspected by the FDA. The FDA took Pfizer’s COVID19 vaccine application for licensure at face value and did not send it over for any independent nor secondary review. This was after the previous FDA Commissioner resigned his post and started working for Pfizer. Where is the guarantee that the data provided, that the FDA didn’t want released for 76 years, is legitimate without errors? Since the FDA lost its bid to keep the Pfizer data secret the FDA started releasing documentation which has now included nine pages worth of adverse events caused by the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine, which of course Pfizer claims that the adverse events “may not have any causal relationship” to their vaccine. May not. Causal relationships are also loosely used in a way to hide the truth. Sophistry is a real thing.


Dr. Robert Malone, arguably one of the few main contributors to mRNA technology for decades, and has been an outspoken opponent of the government’s push to use these mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone has attempted to bring attention to the fact that the spike proteins produced by the mRNA vaccine, the same spike protein found to be dangerous in the Temple University study, are dangerous and cytotoxic. Cytotoxic being defined as “poisonous to cells”. Dr. Malone has explained in numerous interviews how the mRNA vaccines are causing antibody-dependent enhancement, which we discussed previously. The Cutter Incident shows us that we cannot trust new products with blind faith. The Cutter Incident was when the first polio vaccine caused tens of thousands of cases of polio with some reporting thousands of deaths due directly to the initial push to eradicate polio. This was before any government database was in place to help with tracking these incidents and adverse events.


The CDC even admits that the mRNA vaccines can cause myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the lining outside of the heart, and to report all cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination to the VAERS database. How many people believe these vaccines are completely safe and effective and scoff at the idea that these vaccines could cause any issues? As you will see in the next section reporting to VAERS rarely happens. There is no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis either. The heart muscle does not repair itself so once it is damaged it is damaged for life. Initial damage might not be discovered until a cardiac event occurs which could happen days, weeks, months, or years after the damage initially occurs. A global spike in sudden deaths of sports athletes are being ignored and underreported by mainstream media too. There have been reports showing a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac events and unexplained deaths in FIFA players in 2021 compared to any other year. Towards the end of 2021 nearly 300 professional athletes from around the world collapsed or suffered cardiac arrests shortly after taking a COVID19 vaccine. In 2021, North American professional sports leagues started requiring players to go through cardiac screening to continue to play their profession. Have you seen the news pushing the narrative that children have heart attacks due to COVID19, not vaccines, or it is rare and nothing to worry about? Suspicious that this narrative is pushed as children are approved for the COVID19 vaccines even though the CDC shows that heart inflammation in children has been caused by the vaccines.


PubMed NIH: The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier

  • Neurobiol Dis. 2020 Dec;146:105131. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2020.105131. Epub 2020 Oct 11.
  • “Evidence provided suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins trigger a pro-inflammatory response on brain endothelial cells that may contribute to an altered state of BBB function. Together, these results are the first to show the direct impact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein could have on brain endothelial cells; thereby offering a plausible explanation for the neurological consequences seen in COVID-19 patients.”

NIH: Antibody dependent enhancement: Unavoidable problems in vaccine development

  • Adv Immunol. 2021; 151: 99-133. Published online 2021 Sep 14. doi: 10.1016/
  • “In some cases, antibodies can enhance virus entry and replication in cells. This phenomenon is called antibody-dependent infection enhancement (ADE). ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but also affects the signal transmission in the target cell. Early formalin-inactivated virus vaccines such as aluminum adjuvants (RSV and measles) have been shown to induce ADE.”

medRxiv: SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis

  • doi:
  • “For boys 12-15 without medical comorbidities receiving their second mRNA vaccination dose, the rate of CAE [cardiac adverse event] is 3.7 to 6.1 times higher than their 120-day COVID19 hospitalization risk as of August 21, 2021 (7-day hospitalizations 1.5/100k population) and 2.6-4.3-fold higher at times of high weekly hospitalization risk (7-day hospitalizations 2.1/100k), such as during January 2021. For boys 16-17 without medical comorbidities, the rate of CAE is currently 2.1 to 3.5 times higher than their 120-day COVID-19 hospitalization risk, and 1.5 to 2.5 times higher at times of high weekly COVID-19 hospitalization.”



Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was put in place in 1990 to track the damages and deaths caused by the liability free medical procedure vaccines. The VAERS database is the only official source for tracking vaccine adverse reactions. This voluntary reporting system is estimated to only account for 1% of the true cases that happen. The majority of reporting is done by healthcare professionals in care of their patients. This 1% estimate was determined in the Lazarus investigation with findings submitted to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2010. OpenVAERS project is a site that makes searching and viewing the VAERS data easier. As of April 1st, 2022, there have been 26,693 COVID19 vaccine reported deaths, 147,677 COVID19 vaccine hospitalizations, and 1,216,787 COVID19 vaccine adverse events in the VAERS database.


Even if we took these numbers as 10% (ten times higher than the investigation found) of the total means there have been over 250 thousand deaths caused by the COVID19 vaccines with the majority not reported as official numbers. There have been more deaths, hospitalizations, and adverse events reported for the COVID19 vaccines in the first year than all other vaccines combined in the past 30 years of reporting, and this reporting is roughly only 1% of the true numbers. The European Union has a similar adverse reaction event tracking database called EudraVigilance. As of December 18th, 2021, EudraVigilance reported 1,277,915 adverse events for the four COVID19 vaccines available in the EU, with Pfizer’s COVID19 vaccine having the largest number of adverse reactions which is similar to what is seen in the VAERS database.


The FDA has pulled non-liability free products off the market quickly after only a handful of adverse events and deaths reported. Why are these vaccines not being pulled off the market? When a product is liability free what incentive is there to pull it from the market? Now the FDA and CDC have started pushing a 2nd booster shot for many. Before the end of 2022 the government will be pushing a 3rd and 4th booster. How many more deaths and permanently disabling adverse reactions need to occur before the vaccines are determined to not be “safe and effective”?


My name is Jeffrey Hann and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook|Instagram) and I can be found on Twitter|Instagram|Minds|Steemit|Keybase


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