Strengthening immunity ... the first weapon in the face of the epidemic

in #covid195 years ago (edited)

There is as yet no specific diet or specific dietary supplement to enhance the effectiveness of the immune system
People can protect themselves from infection by caring for their immune system and observing hygiene rules.
There are important nutrients that have a fundamental role in the ability of the immune system to continue its functions, such as copper, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B12, B6, C, D.
Proper nutrition, smoking cessation, and even movement at home is a very effective way to improve health
The food that is eaten during the social isolation period should be optimized
The need to wash hands and clean the face while preparing food and separate raw meat and fish from other foods
Eat foods rich in probiotics such as home-made pickles, yogurt, ripe milk, rapeseed water and cheese
Eat foods rich in prebiotic foods such as oilseeds, onions, garlic, bananas, apples, dry beans and oats.
Meeting the body's daily needs for fat is very important for the immune system, but excessive fat intake should be avoided

Experts point to the importance of a strong immune system in addition to observing hygiene rules in order to prevent the Corona virus epidemic.

Experts explain that a varied and balanced healthy diet, good sleep and exercise are essential elements for strengthening the immune system.

The individual measures are among the most essential elements for the continued and effective struggle against the Corona epidemic declared by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic.

In an interview with Anatolia, Professor Fonda Almagioglu, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Estonia, said that there is as yet no specific diet and no specific food supplement to enhance the effectiveness of the immune system, but people can protect themselves from infection by caring for food hygiene.

Almagioglu added that there are important nutrients that play a fundamental role in the ability of the immune system to continue to function properly, such as copper, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B12, B6, C, D.

She stressed that eating foods rich in these nutrients regularly and balanced, enhances the ability of the immune system.

Diversification into food

Almagioglu pointed out that a balanced and varied nutritional diet helps reduce the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, paralysis, diabetes, some types of cancer, and osteoporosis, and helps control weight.

She pointed out that proper nutrition, smoking cessation, and movement, even at home, is a very effective way to improve health.

Almagioglu recommended avoiding excessive intake of foods that contain a lot of fat, salt or sugar.

She also reminded of eating 5 servings per day of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and sources rich in protein, legumes, fish, eggs, meat and chicken while avoiding high-fat portions in meat, and being careful not to eat chicken skins.

Almagioglu noted the importance of "eating one or two fish a week, eating dairy products daily with diversification, and avoiding consuming hydrogenated oils, preferring to eat a small amount of saturated oils and consuming monounsaturated oils."

She stressed "the need to replace foods that contain large amounts of sugar and oils with other foods of high nutritional value."

Prefer good foods with high nutritional value

Almagioglu explained that the food that is eaten during social isolation should be optimized.

"You do not have to buy more quantities than you usually consume and you don't need to panic and store large quantities of food," she added.

Almagioglu added, "A healthy person can go and buy his needs while observing the health rules." The best recommendations for purchasing foods during this period are to buy foods with high nutritional value, foods that can be stored for a long time and not to buy more quantities than needed.

And be careful to eat fresh foods during the specified period. Root vegetables can be preferred because they can stay healthy for a longer period.

The necessity of observing food security recommendations

Almagioglu noted, however, there is as yet no evidence of transmission during the manufacture or preparation of food and therefore the general recommendations for food security must continue to be followed.

She stressed the need to wash hands and clean the face while preparing food and separate meat and raw fish from other foods.

Almagioglu pointed out the importance of consuming sufficient quantities of fluids throughout the day, especially water, sparkling water and Iran, and avoiding excessive drinking of tea and coffee.

She explained that nutrition alone does not strengthen the immune system, but that healthy eating habits enhance its ability to perform its functions.

Take into account recommendations during the period of social isolation

"Social isolation, in addition to strengthening the immune system with proper nutrition, good sleep and exercise, are very important things in fighting the spread of the epidemic," said Dr. Aicha Qaya, expert in internal and metabolic diseases.

She stressed the importance of the foods being eaten being rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, in order to get through this difficult stage as easily as possible.

Caya explained that eating fish twice a week and eating walnuts, almonds, nuts and flaxseed on a daily basis helps the body meet its daily needs of omega-3.

She emphasized the importance of eating carbohydrates from their correct sources, as well as the importance of intestinal health in order to strengthen the immune system.

And Qaya added that eating foods rich in probiotics such as home-made pickles, yogurt, yogurt, rapeseed, and cheese, as well as foods rich in probiotics such as oilseeds, onions, garlic, bananas, apples, dry beans and oats. In order to strengthen the intestine microbes.

She stressed the importance of diversifying meals and containing the most salads and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates as well as dairy products.

The doctor continued, "Meeting the body's daily needs for fats is very important, for the immune system, but excessive intake of fats should be avoided. And you should stay away from foods that raise blood sugar levels quickly, and avoid eating white bread, pastries and processed meats."

She added, "We must stay away from foods that contain large amounts of salt, and avoid alcoholic drinks because they affect the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals."

Kaya pointed out that the importance of drinking large quantities of water throughout the day, drinking about 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day, and good sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day in order to strengthen the immune system.

The doctor added, that there is a recent study in China that confirmed that the body needs certain nutritional elements in order to strengthen the immune system such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, in addition to zinc and iron, omega-3, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Regarding the sources from which the necessary nutrients can be obtained, she said: "A and D vitamins can be obtained from foods such as liver, fish, dairy products, spinach, parsley, lentils, leeks, broccoli, carrots and potatoes.

Qia was allocated that if a vitamin D deficiency appears in the blood, vitamin D supplements can be taken, as it can be obtained through direct exposure to sunlight, and vitamin E can be obtained from nuts such as nuts, almonds, olive oil, and eggs.

And increased either vitamin C or vitamin C can be obtained from eating kiwis, citrus fruits and vegetables with green leaves.

The doctor added, that eating whole grains, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and oilseeds can help the body meet its vitamin B needs.

Iron-rich foods should be eaten, which is one of the most important minerals needed for oxygen to get cells, including red meat, eggs, liver, dry legumes and molasses. Also, eating iron sources with vitamin C increases its benefits.

The doctor noted Qia, the presence of zinc and selenium in red meat, mushrooms, peas, dry legumes, pumpkin seeds, dairy products and eggs. "

Thankfully, the movement is one of the most important elements that protect the immune system, noting that doing exercises inside the home helps to enhance the ability of the immune system.