There is a Child Pornographer in Steemit User Name is @iamgodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cp7 years ago (edited)

Hello friend @stellabelle, we do not believe it is fair to put us along side the filth you have discussed in this article and it really hurts. It sickens us here as well to read this. We will fully support you in flagging this evil soul who is using steem for this. We live in heavily controlled times right now and they are trying to control and shape your mind at every level. Our goal is to provide a place Steemians can relax free from corporate agenda and ads. We always will aim to give Steemians the finest movies and always free. @juanlibertad could not have said it any better. We are doing this for the community over everything else. If we are going to be flagged so be it, we will continue our efforts to archive some of mankind's greatest artwork and spread our love for Hollywood movies across the universe.

Dear guys at chainflix, I understand where you guys are coming from but it sends a wrong message that you are trying to profit from other people's work. To really get your message across you need to start with declining payouts. That is what Robin Hood would do :)

hey i personally love your Dtube channel @chainflix keep up the great uploads, i support you 100% on your venture with DTube

Oh how fucking noble of you.

We already have the pirate bay. Why would you want to bring the same problems here? Oh, because of easy money. Your robin hood excuses are pathetic, it's all about money. You forgott that movies are from the same agenda about brainwashing people. If you are doing this for comunity then cancel your money upcotes and give it all to the community!

Unfortunate side effect of "free speech". It doesn't look like much of the content is actual child porn, just teens in bikinis and other questionable content.

you missed some obviously.

No child sex as far as I can see, lots of sexualisation of young looking girls. Not by any stretch am I saying it's ok, but if you've been on the internet for as long as some you'll see some shit. Legalities differ from country to country, will be interesting to see how they deal with take down notices

Steemit will not host content that is illegal in the United States.

We comply with all properly formatted DMCA take down notices. The content as far as I can tell (@stellabelle did not specify) is not illegal in the US and we have not received any properly formatted DMCA notices that we have not acted upon.

Even if steemit removes it from displaying, won't it still appear in the blockchain (and other steem based websites?). Afaik, you can't delete from the blockchain? As for the content from what I saw there was some questionably aged Russian nude models but no cp (yet)

the Steem blockchain only holds text and links.

The flagging of child pornography is an excellent use of Steem Power and reputation! It puts that sort of content exactly where it should be: at the bottom of the pile and out of sight. This sort of flagging strengthens the Steem community.

However, to include @chainflix's activity alongside @iamgod's is a false equivalence which inhibits the healthy growth of the Steem community. In the case of underage pornography it's pretty easy to identify a victim and therefore how such posts harm the community. With @chainflix's posts, there are no victims.

Intellectual property legislation has been perhaps the most culturally stifling form of statism in human history. If anything, @Chainflix is more of a modern Robin Hood whose service should be rewarded with our upvotes. The fact is that intellectual property is theft. By posting links to films like Back to the Future, @chainflix is restoring culture to the public domain, whereas copyright enforcers would like to keep culture behind a toll booth.

Steem is amazing because it facilitates and incentivizes the flow of information. Along with that freedom comes objectionable material like that posted by @iamgod, however that freedom also enables us to share and restore popular cultural works to the public domain, where they belong.

Please consider joining me in upvoting, or at least not flagging, @chainflix's efforts.

Hello there friend, @juanlibertad we have posted a reply on this page but it has be flagged you may find it below.

This happened to me too. Everything I've worked for the last few days gone just because I upvoted one photo I saw while browsing through the NSFW section. Just now after checking out this guys profile I realised that this put me in context of liking that stuff. I don't. I really don't..

Did you heard about pirate bay what happened to that site? Many countries blocked acess to that site. Do you want this to happen to steemit? If we support this than more and more users will spam this content here. Robin hood excuse is pathetic it's about easy money. When you get to much of a attention from movie producers than steemians will be victims because people like you. We will come here to thank you @julianlibertad when that happens. Because you are encouraging others to support this!

I think we as a community need to hear from @ned as not only is there now child porn on here, but someone is uploading copyrighted Hollywood movies: @chainflix

That user is posting links to an external site which we do not control; even if that external site is hosting unauthorized copyrighted content, posting such links to external sites is legal and we will not censor such posts.

We comply with 100% of all properly formatted DMCA takedown requests. (Such requests must be submitted by the copyright holder or their authorized agent.) We have received no such requests for the account you mention.

Yes but we can control steemit from where he is promoting and getting traffic to reach that site.

Please cite the content you are referring to. I reviewed the account and saw no evidence of what you claim.

That model is 18, as a quick google for "met art jasmina age" shows. Furthermore, that content is not hosted by steemit, it is on an external site.

We will be updating the code to disable image inlining for certain users at our discretion and will add this user to the list. Then, their posted images will appear only as URLs: links to external sites, and the images will not appear on Stay tuned, the change should be live in a few hours.

So the proof of child abuse you found is an adult photo from metart ?

I linked you on a post about punching evil in the face, this is the proverbial straw to break the camels back, literally felt like a bull in a china shop reading this.......this , animal abuse trigger me into Xena mode, won't click on that and what's gross is I used a gif with Morgan Freeman from that movie with Jim Carrey where he goes "I am God" a few days back...and it kinda had to do somewhat with being fed up with some of this shit....sorry for the cussing

This is sickening and unacceptable. My 14-year-old son has a Steemit account and is an active user. I DO NOT want to find him stumbling on this filth and will now be monitoring his Steemit usage closer. I really thought I could trust our community members enough to not bring crap like this to our platform.

My 14 year old daughter is here too. Steemit is changing the world but we should not forget that this filth is part of the world. Kinda worry me. Let's focus and it is a reminder for us parents to do our job better.
Thanks for the lookout.

I know right? I feel the exact same way. What makes me feel batter is knowing that the community itself is jumping on this and taking the steps to make sure its down-voted and flagged. Honestly, there's so much great content, and good will on this platform, I'm really not worried about creepy content getting a foothold.

What's troubling about @chainflix is that this account is not just sharing content, it's using the Steemit and DTube platforms to personally profit from the work of others, without adding any personal content or commentary - or value. What would be much more useful would be a series of thoughtful reviews of movies we might enjoy, with links to where these films could be legitimately watched.

I am not a fan of the copyright industry by any stretch. Sharing and re-mixing the things we love is what culture should be all about. But that's not what's happening here. Worse, this kind of copyright violation discredits our platform and makes a reasonable conversation about copyright more difficult.

As for the other stuff, the implications are especially troubling. If things cannot be deleted from the blockchain, and someone shares material with the blockchain that is outright illegal, could this potentially put the entire platform into legal peril? Could the witnesses who are responsible for maintaining and making available the contents of the blockchain be considered legally responsible for this content?

Any illegal content could potentially imperil the platform. Outside actors who see Steemit as a threat (pro censorship governments, competing social media platforms, or even aggravated trolls with a chip on their shoulder) will then have an incentive to provide this content in an attempt to get it shut down, or tied up in litigation.

You've got me worried, @stellabelle. At least downvoting and making the stuff less visible is a good indication of our intent to keep that stuff off of here.

I agree with you however, steemit inc. said they will remove any illegal content and also anything DMCA that is brought to them. I think they already have done so in a few cases...not sure on details though. It would be nice if this were laid out for the community

That's good...I think. I'm strongly anti-censorship, BUT - the last thing we need is to give censors and their attorneys ammunition to argue that a platform like Steemit should be censored.

I guess I'm just afraid that if we don't take care of this ourselves, someone else will step in and take care of it for us.

Well done for calling this to the community's attention!

I don't really care whether we are all proud and invested in "no censorship;" certain things need to be called out and dealt with appropriately, simply as a matter of human decency. "Free speech" does not include violating human rights and especially the lives of children. End of story.

exactly. And after having this brought to my attention, it's so disturbing, no one who engages in that should feel welcome here. Plus it's illegal. We need to make it very clear that abuse, and profiting from abuse is not tolerated.

Well, that's really hard because only few people have power to shut them down. In my opinion voting system should be changed to such degree that finding a good post and flagging bad ones should be more rewarding than just voting for your own.

It's not really important whether it's illegal or not. What would you say if it will become legal one day, like the pervert Green Party in Germany wants it to be??

It's just disgusting and there shouldn't be a place for such creations, not on steemit and not on the entire world. I don't want censorship, but child pornography does not even need censorship. It's to obvious that's a really no-go that actually there are no further words needed!

Please use your power and help keeping steemit clean! Consider a ban or something for these disgusting persons and for those who voted and/or commented for his post.

Thank you

There remains no censorship, this stuff is still on the chain. Flagging the hard just removes their rewards (and hopefully therefore the incentive to do it), reduces the visibility of the post if the front end (e.g.,, eSteem, chainBB, etc.) respects this, and when their rep gets sufficiently low it will reduce the visibility of all their posts, again if the front end respects this.

Really removing this stuff would require the collaboration of a large majority of witnesses and as far as I know it has not been done yet, with no plans to.

holy fuck, than this platform is screwed and dangerous for everybody to be active here and click on the profile of that dude

completely agree. There is a big difference between censorship and destructive behaviour.

Children are not old enough to make their own choices. Exploiting them on Steemit is sickening. :-(

Distribution of child pornography is a felony. I don't believe free speech can be used as a defense for the commission of a felony.

I'm glad to see this behavior has been identified, now it has to be put to an end.

Flagged and reported, great work, I also am trying to defeat these sick fucks on a daily basis, I followed and pray for you and commend your persistence ♡

No way. This messed up... Is the blockchain so untrackable that some heavy hacker hitters cant track this IP down, break the users kneecaps then send em to the chair? Im sick man... gutly sick.

Keep on hitting em Stella, noice one