What I'm Doing To Catch Blue Crabs - My Experience

in #crabbing8 years ago

Getting Ready To Catch Crabs

The place that we're going is Captree State Park, Long Island. When you're catching crabs, it would make sense to prepare for your crabs to be interested in what you have to offer, and so, you'll have to consider what you'll have to bring, where you're going, and why. Based on my experience, I am going to share with you what I'm doing to catch blue crabs.

My title was going to be 'Baiting Whales With Blue Crabs' XD.

My Tools & Baits

  • Chicken Leg/Neck (Raw)
  • Smelly Fish (preferably rotten)
  • Crab Traps
  • String
  • Bucket
  • Kitchen Tongs (optional, but recommended)
  • Gloves (optional)
  • Hats (optional)
  • Cash
  • Sunscreen (optional)
  • Food/Drinks

Chicken Legs/Smelly Fish

Smelly Fish and chicken legs/neck are a great choice are bait. Smelly fish is one of the main choices because crabs are attracted to the smell. Not so much as the smell since they are scavengers, so dead, smelly fish, should attract some sort of crabs, depending on the region you live in. Chicken neck is another great choice because people don't normally eat the neck. And so, what other uses are there for it? Use it as bait! Chicken leg is great because it is typically something not eating by a lot of people. Its small, perfect for bait, tough, can last a while, and cheap, perfect for bait. In addition, it's small, so it doesn't take up that much space. However, it you don't have any of those, an alternative is chicken legs.

Crab Trap

Without crab traps, there cannot be crabs. The types of crab traps I use are the ones without a cage, and more looks like a net. However, whichever trap is better is which ever one you decide to use.


Like any traps, you're going to need a ball of string to type it to the trap and something else on the mainland while the trap goes underwater. I recommend typing the string into a triangle formation, so that you can bring it up upright. You also going to need something to tie the bait if you're using an open crab trap.


Once you've successfully caught a crab, where are you going to put it? You're going to bring a bucket to put it in while you're catching more crabs. You might want to put some water in the bucket while you're at it.

Kitchen Tongs

What if you have two people with you and you catch a large crab. You're not going to pick up with your bare hands are you? If you do, there's always a chance that it will pinch you and you're going to bleed. If that's the case, buy or get a kitchen tong, that one that you use for barbecuing. Once you have one, picking crabs just got easier. Clench the crab and it's all yours.


If it's a sunny day out, you might want to bring a hat two protect yourself from the sun. You really don't want to be tanning in the sun while catching crabs.


Don't like touching the crabs and reeling in the crab trap bare handed? Well, get some gloves to protect yourself from the crab and the wet strings that you hate. In addition, it keeps your hand clean. It's a win-win situation.


Who doesn't bring cash with them on a short trip? You may want to bring cash in case if something snaps and breaks or to pay tools, or to buy a snack at the nearest convenience store. So pack some cash in the wallet!


If it's a really sunny day out, use sunscreen to prevent sunburns from the sun. (The sun is not so forgiving) Spread it all throughout your arms, face, neck, and legs.


You definitely going to get thirsty all continuously pulling strings, and get hungry too! That's why we're going to pack some water, a sandwich or two, and maybe some snacks or your choice.

That's what you'll need to catch your regional crabs.


If you're trying to crab in the winter and early spring, you're most likely not going to find them anywhere even if you do, they're not going to be very meaty. The recommended months that you might want to start to crab are late April to early September. Since crabs live from 1 - 3 years, and a make crabs matures at age 1 - 1.5 years old, you might want to crab during late July - early September for the best catches. Another contributing factor that will affect how many crabs you'll catch is the tide, the best time to catch is 1 hour before the high tide and through it, and 1 hour after the tide. If you think the crabs are more likely when it's raining heavily, it's not true.

How To Catch Crabs

Once you have all the tools, you're ready to catch. First, you'll attach the string to the mainland and trap. Add bait to the trap. Make sure its secure. Then, throw the trap as far as you can (you can attack something heavy to it to make it sink faster) Next, wait a few minutes. Finally, pull the string up and hopefully you'll see the crabs that are edible in the trap.

-Happy Crabbing!