The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.16 The Coming of the Yiths!

At the dawn of the Devonian Period around 413’000’000 B.C.E. or 410’000’000 B.C.E. depending on the scholar you ask the Frog Temple of Becquerel the Dog landed on the planet Earth and he had sworn to protect the inhabitants of this new planet he found himself on namely the Pangaeans that had established their civilization there.

Meanwhile in the realms of natural evolution the first toothed fish and nautiloids evolved alongside the earth’s first naturally evolved insects. These would be the precious few events unrelated to what many considered a period dominated and engulfed by war from outer space. Not from the Baranoian Machine Empire but from the creature’s known only as the Yith

The Wars of Yith

The Yiths history and culture and the fate of their last planet have similar parallels to other humanoid like aliens of the day. However, what made the Yith unique was their mastery of time travel, precognition and mental and psychic powers that they innately had in their species that had evolved in them over time.

Ordinarily they would have been rivals toward the Gallifreyans except for the unfortunate dwindling and squandering of their homeworld’s natural resources to extinction due to partly natural disasters out of their control or simply general decadence and stagnation from within their own society.

These factors caused them to carry out a mass exodus from their host bodies at the level of mental consciousness and they then possessed an entire race of multi-appendaged conic organisms on the planet Earth that they had needed to destroy their original minds and personalities to take over for the preservation of their species collectively. So, did the Yith gain they’re new host bodies that we know them as in Earth’s history.

The Wars of Yithian Conquest

With the Yith having secured their positions and assimilating and adapting to the culture of their host species on a surface level the Yith then began to engage in basic reconnaissance and espionage about their neighbors. The most concerning thing that stood out to them were the Pangaeans and their legends about the Kingranger savior figure as the Yith defined him in their perspectives so they targeted Pangaea first.

To this end they secured an alliance with the Elder Things temporarily to attack the Pangaeans while the Yithians stole Kingranger’s stasis pod and moved it to an indiscreet location away from Pangaean society.

Thus, in the hour the Pangaean’s needed him most Kingranger never arrived…

The Yithian Enslavement

Pangaean resistance to the Yith if it can even be defined as such was a joke. With the Yithians having seized Kingranger’s cryochamber covertly the Pangaean strategy was one of simply finding KingRanger and holding off the Yithians defensively.

To this end the war amounted to a game of capture the flag while the Yith held said flag while shooting at the Pangaeans chasing them always keeping Kingranger on the move and far away from Pangaean groups trying to find their would-be savior. To this end disinformation via mental possession of key figures in the Pangaean government via the Yith’s psychic powers helped to accelerate the Pangaean’s destruction.

By the time the war ended the Pangaeans were already all but enslaved. The “treaty” was nothing more than a contract of perpetual indentured servitude and the once great Pangaeans were reduced to the mere toys of a power greater than them that they could not hope to oppose. Their shunning of advancing in technology and lack of innovation in their society served as a primary reason for the state they were in.

The Yith wasted no time turning this species into pleasure toys for them to pick up where they left off in engageing in the decadent (by our moral standards) pleasures and sports that they enjoyed on their dieing homeworld as if nothing had ever happened.

To this end Pangaeans were made into roles akin to jesters, entertainers, slave labor and numerous other menial work and dehumanizing tasks. Some were even lobotomized and reduced to what we would identify most closely with early cavemen and Neanderthals. Essentially the Pangaeans were reduced to their basest impulses and their thought processes were rewritten to be slaves to their Yith masters. Often this was done to a mouthy or otherwise abnormal Pangaean slave based on how the Yithian owner defined abnormality in its eyes.

The Pangaeans civilization and their culture was destroyed in a mass purge as well to prevent these images from possibly reverseing their psychological and physic lobotomies and from inspireing dissident thought among the Yith and slave classes. Thus, did the Yith’s conquer the Pangaeans wipeing them off the face of the Earth itself.

As for Kingranger’s stasis chamber it was only found hundreds of thousands of years later in Japan right during the Age of Chaos that we now live in; in our modern society and he would never be found or heard from for a long long time…

The Yithian’s Future Actions

With Pangaea enslaved and destroyed utterly the Yithian’s next targets were the Flying Polyps themselves and after a very bloody war the Flying Polyps were forced underground into backup cities and peace was established between the two species shortly after it was agreed that the underground shall belong to the Flying Polyps while the surface of Earth would be conceded to the Yiths.

Yith society afterwards essentially picked up from where it left off after their last homeworld was destroyed with them using their new host bodies to thrive, exploit the resources of the planet for their own gain, explore the potential of their psychic powers, and record records of the Pangaeans conflict in their great history book the Pnakotic Manuscripts.

Little else was known to occur after the war but in the year 395’000’000 B.C.E. modern natural animal groups began to evolve and Tetrapods also emerged from natural evolution as well. One individual of note though was Scaroth. Scaroth was from the Jagaroth species of intelligent life and his mission was to carry out a stealth operation to create a colony to support Jagaroth life to attempt a covert takeover of Earth from the Yithians.

Upon discovering that the planet was inhabitable and having been discovered by the Yith themselves the Jagaroths tried to escape by using Warp 3 drive to teleport their colony away from the Earth only for this to backfire and cause the colony to detonate killng the Jagaroth’s there and having the side effect of splintering Scaroth himself across space and time.

This incident served as a major causus beli for the Yith to engage in off world warfare against the Jagaroths and subsequently the Yithians then made moves to destroy the Jagaroth’s space Empire bit by bit over time in the Jagaroth-Yithian War.

Becquerel meanwhile knowing the power the Yithians possessed in mental manipulation choose not to risk his mind being enslaved and thus he went into hiding to attempt to build an underground resistance of Neo-Pangaeans to wage covert war upon their oppressors and enslavers right under their noses. To these Pangaeans Becquerel became their new god after Kingranger had abandoned them…

So thus, did the Devonian Period begin but it would not be the last war that would shape the period’s history and identity for an even greater conflict of divine proportions was just around the corner!