The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.23 The Decline of Two Superpowers…

After the Five Tribes of Humanity had proven their capability for success against the demonic hordes of the Witch Bandora and the rest of her ilk the world order was turned upon its head in massive ways.

The national superpowers of the age: Laurasia and Gondwana both harbored different reactions to this event. As previously stated Laurasia elected to suppress this information amongst its people under the guise of heresy. However, Gondwana had quite the different reaction in that they gave the Human Tribes their own defined land borders and recognized them as intelligent lifeforms as well!

The ramifications to this decision could not have been felt at the time but humanity’s new status and gains they had received from Gondwana had not went unnoticed by the other species and tribes within Gondwana’s borders.

Soon demands and requests of varying tones of politeness and hostility between them had echoed among many a species or unique sub species until Gondwana resembled a hodgepodge of ethno or species majority provinces with their own unique cultures and independent forms which were increasingly less bound to the main state entity of Gondwana.

As slaves began to be freed, the practice was banned by law and feel out of economic favor from the stand point of morality and the psychological effect it had on others, and more and more people had unalienable rights.

Gondwana oddly seemed to keep dividing itself and being pushed further apart and changing into something else…

So Begins Decline

New species evolved during this time frame from the first salamanders and newts coming to be through natural evolution during the year 170’000’000 B.C.E. By the year 165’000’000 B.C.E. stingrays inhabited the ocean and finally in 161’000’000 B.C.E. the Ceratosaurus came into being among the Dinosaur people and received its own lands to accommodate its people!

Ten million years of peace resulted from Gondwana’s policies on the freedom of species and in dealing with Laurasia to the north and yet the central government of Gondwana was still altogether powerless to do anything to regain its authority as the species-majority-provinces exerted more authority and even small alliances with their local provinces to oppose the mainland on ethnic and species rights grounds!

In this regard, the government was paralyzed by its own freedom. Only the threat of invasion from the armies of Laurasia kept the provinces of Gondwana from simply declaring independence as a state. For no one smaller province turned state could oppose the united country of Laurasia alone. The provinces all needed each other militarily to oppose Laurasia’s dominance over the northern hemisphere of the planet and this fact was one all could agree on.

Invasion of the Mi-Go

The peace of the two nations would be shattered not by their own problems and relations but a foreign invader from space: The Mi-Go! The Mi-Go had come to the planet earth to continue their genocidal extermination of the Elder Things across the galaxy and in their process of invasion and colonization on the planet Earth they had angered many a free species majority province upon the planet!

In response to this encroachment many used this invasion as an excuse to further their political agendas when the prospect of a coalition arose. Many of the inhabitants of Gondwana refused to aid Laurasia against the Mi-Go unless concessions relating to their independence and further autonomy requests were fulfilled and thus the prospects of a coalition became nearly impossible and the Mi-Go were left to war with Laurasia relatively unopposed by the southern nations…

Many other nations even began aiding them in their genocide of the elder things making for conflicts with their neighbors in minor wars further dividing Gondwana and weakening the central government itself which was now powerless to stop its now out of control provinces from fighting each other! None of this even addressing the tectonic plate drifting that made for increased logistical costs in sending troops to the new burgeoning nations from Gondwana’s instability as well…


While the great lands of Laurasia and Gondwana would still continue to exist for some time after this it was clear to all of the beings involved that the Earth itself would never be the same after this age of warfare and madness caused by the Mi-Go question and the invasion of their lands.

Sadly precious little peace was left to go around for all the species and free races of earth to have for the foreseeable future as extinction was just around the horizon…