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RE: Moving to hive

in #creativecoin5 years ago

Awesome ad @derangedvisions, really well done! I love this. What I like most about this is the fact that the focus is on the music and art, not blockchain technology.

Someone once told me it's less important to have a hundred products to market, than knowing how to market one product a hundred different ways. I think this is so relevant to Steem and our communities, and it's quest for mass adoption. We all nerd out over blockchain shit, sure, but in the regular world it's the opposite; it's a red flag buzzword. Most people don't want to deal with it. It's scary, volatile, and unknown. Not that Steem marketing should 'lie' about the fact that it's run on blockchain tech, but more so, it shouldn't be the first (or even second, third, fourth, etc.) bulletpoint about why it's a super cool community. There's plenty of time for that after they already see the appeal.


Thanks. That is the thing we at Creative Coin are trying to do, is make it appealing to the masses and easy to understand this massive ecosystem. We have big things planned for the future.