SteemAlive Presents: Prowriters(W7)_ TOPIC 7: THERE'S A LIGHT AT THE END OF TUNNEL

in #creativewriting2 years ago (edited)


Life is very horrible and hectic for some. Things are not easy at all for many. Life necessities are harder come by. Such luxuries are seems as impossible to many. Many have such "basic amenities" as their prayer points and they keep asking their Creator, Why? When things will be alright! But there's always a hope. It might seems like a "little light" at the dark room. But it's there and keep shining! Although that hope is very tiny at the beginning, it will shines through because light always "win" over darkness.

The Happy beginning


This is exactly what happened in the life of a young man named Obinna. He is a boy of five years when his father died, leaving behind Obinna and two younger sibling and their poor and sick mother. The mother, Chinyere had no serious source of livelihood because her husband, Obinna's father is their breadwinner. They depends on him for everything. He was able to cater for them without external help. James, Obinna's father was a driver. He owns two big cargo van. He drives one and give out the other for high purchase arrangement with another driver. He keeps remitting "money" daily to James so far the Van is in good shape and keep running.


Apart from the income from his van, James still get robust funds from the other driver, Chinedu, who was faithful to their "gentleman" agreement. Obinna's family is well known and "eats" regularly. They are happy and Obinna attends several classes at that young ages because both parents are lovers of knowledge and ready to impart such enlightenment to the young boy. He was brilliant and respected. Many people comes around him because he was "magnet" of their affections till things changed for worst when his father, James died of complications of road mishaps.

The Sad Setbacks.....


The uncertainty of life makes living on Earth very fearful. The happy events can turn "sour" with a single "sad" event and ridiculers cum usurpers can "cash" out during such events making it worst. Obinna does not know how life will be when things turned but he will not be happy boy ever.
As soon as James died, his family shattered because it's very hard for a polygamous family to stand up during such a trying moment. The woman, before loving "wives" of the man, James in this case will like to protect their "own" children thereby being covetous and greed over their common resources. Janet, Adaobi and Chinyere fought bitterly over James's estates. It did not ends well for anyone and they sought out of help of family members. Those elders, relating to James had ulterior motive so rather than to settle the difference between the wives and their children over the estates. They wants those things for themselves. If only that the approach "compatible" court of law for arbitration. Each of the wives and their kids will keep enjoying the dividends of James's estates because he was a rich man. But Africans, consult their family elders for arbitration and when it's worst, Oracles and deities are approached. The elders in this case, consulted and decided to "sell" off James's estates and share the money among his bearved wives to cater for their children. It's seems right at first, but it was their game plan. They sold everything out including their beds and dress to raise the "kind" of money to be shared. In the process of selling those wares as the wives thinks, they were busy amassed those things for themselves and families. They practically "bought" everything at the suffering of the children of James and wives. When the money was shared, it can cover for their livelihood and push them all into untold hardships and suffering! Lifestyle changed abruptly for them all. Chinyere told her young kids to the rural settings to start a living. Obinna did not see the "four-wall" school institutions for years because they can't afford it any more. They were "tied" to the ground as they was "farming" for landowners. Things was very "hard" to them that it seems like there's no hope of better life again.

However, the struggle was much for them to the extent that Obinna and his siblings started to "hawk" all kinds of wares to help their mother. Chinyere become a pretty trader, selling virtually everything that she can lay hands on. Obinna and his siblings started schooling again at the village and can't even defend themselves academically because of long absence from schools. It was hard for them to the extent that they can't speak freely like others. They were bullied and lost their self esteem. Chinyere noticed that but can't help much because she was not educated. The struggling continue as their needs keep increasing because they are growing up like others. They are rised at the market because they have to went to the market immediately after school closed daily. Years passes by, things get worse but they still hopeful when they noticed there's a "tiny" light at the end of the tunnel.

Happy Ending


The saying that there's a light at the end of the tunnel is true and really happens at the life of Obinna. He is now one of the general manager of Company in the city now. The struggle, he experienced, forged him for better tomorrow. As he was busy with his life of shuttling between school and market. A good "Samaritan" encountered him and decided to train him in school and the education makes him employable. He now enjoy the big salary largesse and help his family to be happy again. The "hectic" life of the market was the "little" light at the end of the tunnel. Although the "tunnel" was long, tunnel here was the struggle and dark period of his suffering but the light have grew bigger and shines through and till now.


Wao, This is an interesting story. I am happy that Obinna's struggle was rewarded. No matter what happens to you work hard you will reap your reward.

work hard you will reap your reward.

That's right. Hardwork is always best approach to be successful.

good "Samaritan" encountered him and decided to train him in school and the education makes him employable. He now enjoy the big salary largesse and help his family to be happy again.

Jah always has a way of maneuvering situations to help his servants. Death is really a sting and the pains lingers forever but we await when it will be done away with

Jah always has a way of maneuvering situations to help his servants.

That's the real meaning of his name. He is evenly ready for his people.

Death is really a sting and the pains lingers forever but we await when it will be done away with

Jah will swallow it too. Soon, it's power will be over.

You're right, until then. I can't wait

I can't wait

That's good. Me too.

You're right

Thanks so much

It is true that most struggles equip us for the future.
I am happy that Obinna's story ended well.

I am happy that Obinna's story ended well.

You are welcome. More stories comes up soon

There is light at the end of every tunnel once there is patience and endurance. Congratulations to Obinna. What about his other family members? I wish he can help them despite the ill treatment he received.

@sammylinks, I wish you can cut down your paragraphs next time. The depth is too big. Also, what do you think about using center heading alignments?

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Thanks for your wonderful remarks. I will carefully apply all the useful suggestions next time

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Thanks so much. Will participate fully in the contest

An interesting stories, most people who enjoy wealth now always have a sad story behind it.

That's right. Many sad beginnings!

Some tunnels are quite long and stressful but endurance and patience are the key to success because we will be so happy about the outcome

Some tunnels are quite long and stressful

That's right. It usually comes with no hope of survival.

endurance and patience are the key to success

That's right. These two qualities are what the sufferer needed most.

we will be so happy about the outcome

If we did not give up, the outcome is always rewarding