Learn To Be Hard Working And Develop Your Source Of Income.
One thing I learned from my parent is hard work and smart work. One day mum told us, we shouldn't go to bed unless we've made money. At first I didn't fully understand it. But now I do. I realised that the moment you wake up each day, you are already spending money.
Think about it. The moment you get out of bed, wash your face, water board is counting their meters and when you brush your teeth Oral B or colgate will be earning on you. When you Charge your phone PHCN will be reading their meter. When u move from your home to the city centres taxis or keke napep will be collecting their share n when you check your WhatsApp and other social media, telecommunication companies will be making money on you!
So before you get out of the house you have already paid all these companies something. You have already spent money. Let me not even talk about the rest of the day. So if you are going to bed without making money, how are you going to foot all the bills??.
» Food for thought
Do something about your life today. Start thinking about how to make money everyday. Start with a small targeted amount and grow as you go. Start with something that will give u even if its N500 a day. Its better than going to bed without making even a kobo.
Let's Put our faith into action, take risks and start something!
SALARY alone can not solve your money problems. You need Secondary Source of income to balance.
SALARY is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, it doesn't CURE it. Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cure Poverty. Be Financially Intelligent...
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Noted sir.
@sixtusinfinity Kindly take note of @steemcleaners corrections. Hope to see you guys at the top
Noted sir
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Nice post...
Nice work but your picture what is the meaning bro?