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RE: Photo Bio # 1 - ...My Parents, Construction Machinery, and Dinosaurs....

in #creativity7 years ago

Great post! I like that dinosaur picture ;)

Recently I took a vintage pair of over-the-ear headphones and threw on some turn dials, radio antennas, and a couple coats of paint while imitating an old advertisement image of a portable Panasonic Radio.

Awesome! I love this creativity and the resulting earwear is really nice too. I see marketing potential there. The new 'beats by Sippel' or something like that.

As for your question: I have always been someone that needed to express himself creatively in one way or another (be it music, theatre, photography, poetry, stories...).

As a kid, I would write small stories (with the ambition to one day write a novel. The novel never happened and I stopped writing stories when I grew up, but it was a fun past time for little me).

I would also write songs and perform them at family gatherings, particularly at Christmas. I would write a song specifically for the Christmas family gathering and force my brother to sing it with me. Later on, I realized I couldn't sing very young me turned to rapping instead, writing Christmas raps every year. This also stopped as I grew older, but it was another outlet for my creativity.

I started acting when I was around 8 years old, so that has kind of been always with me too. The first time feeling the adrenaline of stepping on stage, acting, and then receiving applause got me completely addicted and I am still occasionally acting or helping out behind the scenes.

Photography is yet another one of those creative outlets that started early on with disposable cameras. Photography obviously is still a big part of my life.


Hahaha, Beats by Sippel...

That's awesome! 'Creative outlet' is a term that I didn't think of that I could have used in my post, I think we're quite similar in that way because it's the same for me. Even though some things change, the drive to create and share will likely always exist. I can't wait to see more of your work as you post it here @woodzi!

Likewise, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work! :)
I really enjoyed what you put on here so far!