Modern police corruption

in #crime2 months ago

Ever tried to call the police and report a crime?
Nowadays they consider investigate using Clandestine microphones.

Let’s say somebody holds up a store clerk.
They could be a part of a really dangerous gang indicate.

So what is the police do?
They talk to you and ask you what happened.
Like your smart phone or maybe a microphone in your tooth.

The tooth might be connected to electrodes in your brain that are connected to your sockets in your ear.

You just gave the police some information.
Now the police have to choose whether they want to go after an extremely dangerous crime syndicate.

Or if they just want to, send somebody from your family into the store. Who has police monitoring equipment attached to their body.

The police, and then go ahead and frame whoever they want for the crime.

And should they get caught they can send a police officer with a bad gun to kill anybody who is willing to oppose them.


In certain cases, the police might get paid millions of dollars from a criminal gang syndicate so that the police looked the other way while the crime is being Committed.

If the business that’s getting targeted is owned by an extremely wealthy prince.

And their family stand to lose $2 billion by having his store shut down.

The police being paid $2 million to look the other way might not seem like a big deal.

Especially if it involves seven countries, going to war to protect that prince and the alternative could include 2 million casualties.

If you think this isn’t bad, because the police don’t have enough money to cover to do a full skill investigation in the matter.

The families that are being affected and targeted.
Lose all trust for the police.

Starting wars between families and the police department. I wonder how many times this has happened before.

I wonder how many people lied to the police.
And the police use it, and as an excuse to confiscate all of their families possessions, including the billionaire princess possessions…