The hope of Venezuela is in God - Christians should not follow a corrupt government.

in #cristianity8 years ago

In what country of the world is it morally acceptable for a Christian, regardless of denomination, to support or publicly identify with people who are accused of serious crimes, such as: drug trafficking, money laundering, terrorism support and financing, evasion Prosecution, perjury, human rights violations, inhuman treatment, hate crimes, defamation and libel, corruption and embezzlement of public funds, not counting lying and forcible expropriation (robbery) of private property?

This happens in Venezuela, where hundreds of Christians, unfaithful to their profession of faith, transgress the commandments of the Lord's law and impudently swear allegiance to whoever they call "eternal commander" and their "son," the workers' president, in clear direct reference and He blasphemes God and his Son.

That hypocritically reaffirm values ​​such as "social justice" and "redistribution of wealth", when God clearly states that His righteousness, which is true, is characterized by righteousness and impartiality, which is no respecter of persons and does not bribe ( bribery); Much less it consists in taking away those who have lawfully worked in order to produce wealth for the enjoyment of themselves and their family and to be useful to society, in order to give others, in order to guarantee "social equality" in the Which, paradoxically, transgressed the universal and biblical principle of "equality before the law." Since they hypocritically claim along with their "maximum leader" that: "Being rich is bad, it is inhuman," while it is estimated at more than 300 billion dollars the embezzlement of the nation with the largest oil reserves in the world, During the 18 years of the greatest oil bonanza in its history.

That they boast that thanks to the "revolutionary process" in Venezuela, principles such as the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples are enshrined, when the Scripture states in a categorical and categorical way that only Jesus Christ is the sovereign of the Kings of the earth, in whom Rests all power in heaven and on earth, being Himself Lord of lords and King of kings.

They profess affinity with the "leaders" who proclaim admiration and veneration to the "pacha mama", to the "immortal spirits of the savannah", to Tupac Amaru, Guaicaipuro, Maria Lionza and to figures like the "holy Christ of the shout." They recite and apply to Bolivar, Sucre, Martí and even Fidel Castro, the nefarious blasphemous poem that says: "our father, who are in heaven, on earth, in the air and in the water" and even deface the saint Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ in reciting crookedly our "Chavez," honoring and worshiping men, rather than the Creator, who is Blessed for ever, Amen.

They justify the violation of human rights of state security forces to unarmed demonstrators and even their vile murder, and crimes such as invasion of dwelling, damage to private property (houses, apartments, vehicles) under the pretext of That "they are 'terrorists' who want to overthrow a legitimate and constitutional government through violence."

And I would lack time to describe the atrocities and immorality that these men and women are able to justify in order to defend an "ideal" that has claimed the lives of more than 100 million people from the last century to the present day, From the extinct Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Yugoslavia, Hitler's Germany and its National Socialist Workers' Party (Nazi), as well as Mao Zedong's China, Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam, Il Sung's Korea, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Fidel's Cuba, among other examples.

In this way, I assert with all responsibility that unfortunately I can not consider as brothers those who support in any way the "Bolivarian revolution", synonymous with Socialism of the XXI Century; Regardless of country. I consider that it is no longer a question of ignorance, but of principles, morality, ethics and a sense of justice.

And this, my dear friends, is part of an irreversible trend.


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