RE: Poloniex Freezing Unverified Accounts: Get Your Funds Out Now If You're Not Verifying!
Wtf! What do I do now? This is the first time my money is in such a shit. More than half of my funds are there. This is the worst day in 10 years or more. Fuck the fuckin' Fuck. And you don't even wanna know what happened this weekend outside my cryptonic world: Disaster sounds way to charming...there is no word for "that". - Feeling really suicidal...I'm not joking. Hell couldn't be any worse!!! This is most likely the day my last hope died! I knew I have to get my money out because of circle and that Goldman Sachs shit. But, I never thought that the shit hits the fan that damn soon....
Could anyone be so kind and just kill me please? This little nothing of a stock was all I had to trade and was a lot.... a lot of work to get it. What fucking gay bastard of a dickhead invented happy endings? In real life there are only the ugly and the most ugly ones! In 42 years of living I'm not only convinced but sure about that. -
Duh, nobody will bother anyway and don't forget to have fun! Over and out!

just give them your info and get your money...don't be so dramatic
Sehr erhellend du hirnloses amerikanisches Hohlbrot. Was würde man nur ohne solche unfassbar dämlichen Tipps machen?
Why don't you eat some dick up and shut up you braindead twat wanna be!
For the record and those who have some brains left (I know you are out there). Don't use POLONIEX!! I send my drivers licences (my slave identifaction expired years ago) and a fuckin' picture of me to these suckers on sunday. Not even nothing happened. I can't even do anything in my account except looking at it feeling somewhat similar to watching TV, and I don't watch TV. - Everything is completely frozen for no reason after more than to years beeing honestly busy there every day, and NO I'm not in need of any clinic to heal that.
As it was obious all the time, the fight for free will is not gettin' easier in any way! - So, what will I do? Obiously start at zero... again! Good luck to those who deserve it!! Keep your asses tight for these gay fuckers are everywhere! Just turn a stone and you find one on anabolic steroids, - the body build and a vacuum in the head babbling nonsense, but ripping you off at the first given chance to feed there black hole atop their meatbags to the end of turning any something to nothing!
Sadly not many get that anyway.
hey moron, I am not American first of all....second of all you're the idiot who put all their money in an exchange...have you ever heard ANYONE say "DONT LEAVE MONEY ON EXCHANGES" or "if you dont control the private key you dont own that money".... how about giving an id that is NOT expired lol maybe that will work lol...anyways there is more important things in life than money, use some brains and you should have access to your money again...if not then just start over life is full of chances, be smart this time
Thank you so much for your reply. It fills me with love and happiness. And all of a sudden the weather is nice, too. Just open your heart and let it flow in! Awesome!