Earn bitcoin by walking!

in #crypto-news8 years ago

With the new Android app you can start generating money by walking Bitwalking is a new way to participate in the world. 
A technology that walks with us, that recognizes our human value.
A new global currency generated by each of us, for all of us.

credit: bitwalking.com

With the Bitwalking app you can generate Walking Dollars (W$) with every step you make. The mining process was designed to work almost on any Android phone allowing people all over the world to start generating currency.The app acts as your interface to the Bitwalking network allowing you to manage your account and operate directly from your phone. 


With bitwalking, you can generate money by walking.
A step is worth the same value for everyone
no matter who you are, or where you are.

What we’re creating is a new way to participate in the world. A technology that walks with us, that recognizes our human value. A new global currency generated by each of us, for all of us.

Read the Bitwalking Begins note 

Get Bitwalking for Android


very interesting. I'll dig into it

Great idea with double the benefits!

Interesting idea. Is this decentralized? and a iPhone version would be cool :)

A friend mentioned an app like this to me recently. How far would you need to walk to earn a dollar? I guess for people who walk anyway it could be worth it.

I'm afraid I won't be clicking the links as they are to some IP that could be anything.

Hm yeah, the link seems strange so I opened it in a virutal mashine, just to be sure. It redirects you to https://medium.com/bitwalking/bitwalking-begins-24b55a5ff066#.1fxx4lbg1 which really is an article about Bitwalking which then leads you to http://www.bitwalking.com/

It may be legit and sites like BBS and Forbes covered it (links are on bitwalking.com at the bottom). There they describe, you need to walk about five miles: "[...] walkers earning approximately 1 BW$ for about 10,000 steps (about five miles)" Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34872563

Sorry about the links I just copy pasted them from bitwalking.com site but I actually did click my self to make sure they lead some place safe :)

I'm intrigued. Tell me more. Your website is pretty light on information. Like can I trade walking dollars for bitcoin? Whats the exchange rate for this?
How is my walking generating money?
What is the rate that you get paid for? e.g. $1 per 10km???
More information would make this more attractive and get more users into the system. At the moment the lack of clear insight into how this works is a barrier for me, and i'd suggest for many others.

Hi, this isn't my site it's just that I thought to share it, I hope you can find more info in their site :)

It works.
Yesterday and the day before I earned 0,24$.
Today I went shopping with my girlfriend and earned 1,04$!!!