🕵🏻‍♂️ New Airdrop: Unimax Finance

in #crypto4 years ago

Reward: 15 UNEX [$1.8] + 5 UNEX [$0.6] per referral

🔴 Visit the Airdrop Form

🔘 Join their Telegram group and channel.
🔘 Follow their Facebook, like and share the pinned post with your comment by tagging 2 of your friends.
🔘 Follow their Twitter, like and retweet the pinned post with your comment by tagging 3 of your friends.
🔘 Submit your details to the airdrop form.

🔴 All tasks are mandatory. The distribution date announced by the project is 15th of December, 2020.

🔍 You can also join t.me/Bounty Telegram channel to participate in the ongoing bounties.


🔍 Check out our channel regularly to avoid missing the newest airdrops verified by our team: https://t.me/AirdropDetective