SHOCKING CRYPTO REVELATION: Fed Bank of Boston in Crypto/Roota Takeover of System

in #crypto7 years ago

Bix Weir breaks down the latest crypto pullback and the Fed's plan for a NEW CRYPTO ECONOMIC SYSTEM!



So cool. Upvoted. Resteemed.

BIX BIX BIX BIX BIX BIX BIX .............We Love with the Gorilla on Hump Day.

Hey bix! Member that before used to always say that COMEX only reflects the price of the LBMA, now you're saying that veritaseum going to change the way silver is priced. You are a flip-flop in here!!! You see because when you say that the prices set in the LBMA, the price can't be set in COMEX. So who knows what will really happen on August 1!!

I am starting to consider selling stocks and buying cryptos. Maybe some Steem to improve my position here, and maybe some lightcoin. I don´t feel confindent on how, though. Poloniex? If you have any advice on how to get started, maybe something to read. For example, I don´t know if I will be able to transfer money from my online brokerage account to a place like Poloniex. And I am not sure if I should discuss this with my broker company.

Bix, you are so right, these bankster cartels are criminal in their very essence. Who alive ever had the choice to not live in this indentured servitude system? I have absolutely no trust in the humanity of any of the private central bankers. Hoping they will behave altruistically after bleeding civilization for over a hundred years is literally expecting a psychopath to grow a conscience. I don't completely discount the possibility, Road to Roota was after all released by FBB, but they still participated in the greatest theft in history. I hope its possible the banksters aren't going to pull out all the stops to stop private cryptos, but look what they did anytime anybody anywhere in the world wanted to go back to gold...