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RE: ADSactly On ADSACTLY - Part #39 - Taxation of Crypto - Part #2

in #crypto7 years ago

I read part 1 of this series but was unable to respond at the moment. I absolutely love the bully analogy!!! Governments are so accustomed to playing big brother and having control of every move we make that Crypto has them over the top with fear. They have quickly realized that they have pretty much no control over the crypto market and those of us who are involved. They are attempting to strike fear into people with threats and innuendo but the reality is that they will have a difficult time controlling anything here.

An interesting thought I shared on another blog is the nature of “why” some governments are starting to shift and claim that they are going to start accepting Bitcoin and possibly other Crypto as payments for a variety of services. Hmmmmm??? Why the radical shift in thinking? I personally don’t know the exact answer but consider the following:

  1. if I decide to pay a government agent in any Crypto Currency I would be announcing to the world and said governments that I indeed am a Crypto enthusiast. Any guesss what they might do with that information??? How long till they are arm deep in your financials. Why not just sign up for taxation.
  2. Bitcoin is the king of Crypto at this point and governments see this. Governments and banks don’t jump into anything such as accepting Bitcoin payments without some risk analysis. It feels like they have determined what we already know and that Bitcoin will continue to rise. Do they want to get their hands on as much Bitcoin as possible? They could make lots of profit themselves. The interesting question would be if they continue acquiring until the become the whales in the Bitcoin market. Supply is capped and low. Hmmmmm

Just some food for thought.


You'll be the funniest guy in Federal Prison! No, seriously, just pay your taxes and avoid the hassle.