Understand that Bitcoin hasn't even began to establish it's Real and it's Full Value. There will only be 21 Million BTC in Total, and we are currently already at 17,386,838 BTC.
But almost no one in the world is talking about this or is even aware of this. The closer we will get to 20 Million, the more who will discover that THERE WILL NO LONGER BE NEW BITCOIN MINED.
At that point, almost Everyone will want to Own at least some Bitcoin.
Well... here is another Reality:
There is currently already 34,000,000 Millionaires (yes, 34 Million Millionaires) and that number is growing fast.
So... you know all too well, that once we come close to the limit of 20-21 Million Bitcoin, that EVERY MILLIONAIRE will want to own Bitcoin.
Guess what?
There isn't even going to be enough, for Each Millionaire to have 1 Single Bitcoin.
So... there is only 1 Option, at that time... and that will be that Bitcoin will SHOOT UP IN VALUE, so that to even own 1/2 of a Bitcoin or 1/10th of a Bitcoin will still be Valuable.
By then, a Bitcoin will be worth over $1 Million USD for 1 Bitcoin. McAfee calculated that it may be $6 or $7 Million USD for 1 Bitcoin....
Only started, value will grow over years of use. Definitely not a short term plan in anyway.