Proof Of Weak Hands (Update) **Day 7**

in #crypto6 years ago


P3D Is #Winning

Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my latest update on Proof Of Weak Hands, the most profitable crypto project I am currently in. Everything in the market is doing awful, for the most part, but not P3D! Lets get into the fun stuff.


Ethereum Keeps Falling

I like Ethereum and I know it will come back from these dips, but it is struggling right now. Every day it seems to fall lower and lower. If you are a HODL'r than you are not worried about the loss because you know you will get it back. I am a HODL'r so I get that, but what if you could actually hedge the loss and even gain while it falls? This is what I am doing with Proof Of Weak Hands


The Numbers

So today is Day number 7 and it has been a great ride thus far! I would be so Ethereum poor if it was not for Proof Of Weak Hands. My initial buy was almost $800 USD, and after coinbase taxes and the 20% buy in fee I was a tad over $600 USD worth of tokens (I think i had 239 tokens). Since then Ethereum has dropped every day, so where am I now?

Today my total token amount is 253 and is worth a total of $890 USD and the value in Etherum is at 2.1736!!! So yeah almost $300 (USD) up still even after this crazy drop of $160 Ethereum has had the last 7 days. If Etherum was still $550 I would have doubled my USD in 7 days. Even with the drop, a 50% increase from $600-$900. There is NO better way to fight this dip Ethereum is having, hands down. I mean 7 days ago a token was 0.00567 Ethereum and now it is at a staggering 0.01051! Absolutely amazing!


Ask Me Anything

Many people are still quite sketched out by this project and there is a lot of fud around it. I would love to answer any questions you guys have about it! There is really no scam as far as I can tell, at least no more than any other crypto. Where you have winners you will have losers and that is just how it goes. Anyway, thanks for reading and I am excited to get some questions in the comment section!

Click here to visit Proof Of Weak Hands and check it out for yourself!