in #crypto6 years ago (edited)



The NOIA Testnet is live. See instruction on how to join at the end of this article.


Recently a friend sent me an email from Malaysia urging me to look at the NOIA network platform. I visited their website and every of their medium to research about this network. I also watch some videos about the network on YouTube but I found that viewing these videos takes time to play on my device and intermittently stop playing. I spent more than 30 minutes waiting for the video contents of approximately 3 minutes to load into my device before I can watch them. In some cases, it is even worst and Internet users like me spend a lot of data in trying to access and watch videos from the Internet.

In telecommunication, the signal of a network will always attenuate with increase in distance no matter how powerful that signal might be at the propagating station.

slow download.png

Distance will always reduce signal strength and if it manages to reach a client antenna or node, it will either take time to load from the web or show signs of signal discontinuity.

Videos and other audio contents on the Internet are on it rise and users will have to enjoy viewing and playing these contents without disruption and inconveniences of network or signal failure due to the location and distance of such contents host.


Apart from videos and audio contents, the Internet is becoming a place to share other information in real time; information such as text documents, bank details, emails, etcetera. There is one thing to send information by a hosting node and another thing for this information to arrive at a client’s node for utilization. When a signal becomes weak as it travels, there is high tendency for the signal to be interfered by other obstacles on it path. Due to the latency and frequency attenuation of signal, content delivering to clients who tends to access information find it difficult to access them.

The NOIA network is ready to solve this issue of signal attenuation over a long distance that result to time wastage and inability to deliver content over the Internet effectively due to distance or location of hosting websites/nodes and cloud storage devices from users who wants to access such site or storage medium.

I will make this review a simple to understand review. I will try as much as possible to load every sentence with a lot of information you can benefit when it comes to NOIA network. And at the end of this article I will also provide some frequently asked questions and answers about the NOIA network that will help us understand the aim of the network better.



NOIA is a decentralized network that uses Content Delivery Network (CDN) protocol to allocate internet access, bandwidth and private unused or underused storage space that are willing to integrate into the network for a global content delivery. It uses P2P file sharing protocol and Artificial Intelligence computational algorithm to handle request.
There are however, existing platforms that provide global Internet access and decentralized cloud storage services (like Bandz and IAGON) but the NOIA architecture distribute content via it CDN nodes that are closest to users. Each user becomes a point of Presence (POP) of NOIA. This means that each user’s node will serve as propagating nodes that transmit signals further to other nodes that cannot reach the main server or host domain that is hundreds of miles away.
The NOIA network will achieve this using the blockchain decentralized nature. Each individual node becomes a CDN access point making the network of all nodes a complete decentralizes architecture.


NOIA stack.png

The NOIA is a network platform that is made basically of two technology elements. These include the Content Scaling Layer (CSL) and Governance layer. These two layers contribute their different features to make up the NOIA network. The Governance layer is interwoven into the Content Scaling Layer. In other words, it is the order in which the different internal layers in the content scaling layer works; how they delegate assignment to each other depending on the level and availability of such nodes. It is just like in real time political system. A president (Cloud Storage; though still centralized to attain a certain reputation before fully decentralized) assigns projects to it numerous Governors (Master’s nodes: fully decentralized) that further assign smaller projects to the different local workers (Worker’s nodes: fully decentralized) to complete thousands of minor local projects. The Master nodes and the workers nodes are collectively called the CSL Decentralized Autonomous Organization concept model. Now let’s take an in-depth tour on the NOIA Network. I will try as much as possible to comprehensively summarize the Features of the NOIA network.


The NOIA Content Scaling Layer is a layer that determines how content are distributed on the network. This layer uses the blockchain; AI computation capability and P2P file transfer protocol in distribution of contents across nodes and servers.
The Content Scaling Layer is a mother to other layers (These other layers collectively made up the Content Scaling Layer) that made up the NOIA content distribution Network. This is known as the Content Scaling Layer Stack. It is the pyramid of function, the hierarchical structure of the different nodes that connects in the NOIA network. In this case, there are Cloud nodes that serve a particular region and under such Gigantic Storage back-end nodes, there are master’s nodes that directly interconnect to each other and to workers nodes (That distribute contents to Clients).


The different stack of the Content Scaling Layer of the NOIA network has their hierarchical function that made them unique in the network. In this section, I will talk on their uniqueness and how they connect to make the network functional.

NOIA herachy.png
Hierarchy and the distribution process of the NOIA content delivery layers

As can be seen from figure beside, The Cloud storage node or the Cloud Controller serve as the storage location of the contents being sort for. This Cloud storage gathers contents from different website and distributes these contents to the lower nodes in hierarchy; the Master’s nodes. These masters’ nodes assign contents and caching space to the workers nodes. They also contain the Content Scaling Layer JS library. This Library checks for availability of contents in the Master’s node and the Cloud Storage node itself. If a user requested for some content or data from the Cloud Storage through the Master’s node, the JS library check if this information is cached in a node else it request for such contents from the Cloud Storage else, it request for it immediately from the hosting website and therefore assigned the requested content that is retrieved from the hosting website to an empty or an unused or underused workers node’s storage for caching for further or subsequent request. The Content Scaling Layer JS library also determines and check inactive workers node.

function of NOIA.png

The above explanation described the simple way in which the NOIA network inter-operates to have a functional Content Delivery network across Internet users globally. Now I will talk on the Benefits this Network have over it users.



Looking at the features the NOIA network possesses, it is obvious that it has a fulfilling benefit to all Internet users. Before now, accessing contents from far away website host domain takes time and lots of data burnt in trying to access these contents. Thank God for a network as the NOIA network that will strategically and virtually bring these website host domain closer to our devices even when they are far away and cannot be reach by our local ISP. Speed of downloads will increase and traffic jam in accessing hot websites would reduce since there are cached devices around that contents of such websites are store for quick access by users.

When speed of transmission increases, volume of data transmitted will also improve. Large content of data can therefore be accessed within a very short time saving time and cost.


The NOIA applicability is unlimited; it accommodates every form of data transmission on the web ranging from voice messages, video contents, photos, documents and whatever that can be transmitted using the WWW.


NOIA network is also open to existing CDN which include local ISP and Cloud storage devices or networks. This will seamlessly encourage these existing companies to revolutionize to a new era of transmission using a decentralized platform to distribute and store contents respectively. They simply want to improve system of transmitting information and not to kick some companies out of the business of Internet Service provision or cloud storage. They are open handed to welcome any existing CDN, Internet Service Providers, small cloud storage companies and giant Cloud storage companies.

NOIA comparism with other Content Delivery Networks


Just like any other tech on the Blockchain, the NOIA token has its own benefits to clients that provides their unused storage space and operates the NOIA network by providing their device as a node on the NOIA network.
Significant of the NOIA token include:


Worker nodes are compensated with the NOIA token for their storage space and bandwidth they share with NOIA token depending on the service such nodes rendered to different clients.

token distribution.jpg

5.0 TEAM

Technical Team

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Business Team and Advisors

Business team and Advis1.jpg

Business team and Advis2.jpg

Business team and Advis3.jpg

Technical Advisors

Tech ad1.jpg



6.0 FAQ

Now, I will try explaining more about the NOIA network by providing some answers to some frequently asked questions on the functionality and benefit of the NOIA network to clients and other third parties that integrate their structure into the NOIA network.

How can Video Content platforms benefit from using NOIA?

You will agree with me that it is a very frustrating and annoying scenario when you try downloading a new movie or streaming it yet you experience delay in watching or downloading this movie due to the ups and downs of transmission of the video content from it hosting site to your personal computer or device. A lot of people will give up downloading or watching this video and therefore cut their connection from accessing the full content of the Video. Having this in mind, let us consider the effect of not completing the download and watching of the movie to the hosting site.

When such situation happens often, users will tend to leave such sites and visit other sites that will give them a smooth access to the content they want. By leaving the site, traffic generation would be reduced and obviously contents will not be patronized from such sites. Secondly, such sites would develop a very bad name for them self; a slow site!

How will NOIA Network disrupt the current network in the content delivery market? Who are they competing with?

NOIA network is not keen in disrupting current network of content delivery. It is a generous decentralized CDN that even want existing CDN to integrate into it structure. It is simply a new height to attend by existing CDN and not a bad egg in the mix of good ones. It is not competing with any existing CDN. It only serve as a medium of comparism; a good project that old CDN needs to learn from.

What will be the potential effect of implementing NOIA in websites approach to the users? Maybe they will be showing less ads or they user policy will change somehow?

NOIA network is strictly a Content Delivery Network and not a manager of different policy of the thousands of websites on the web. Ads are what websites owners allowed on their sites so it is their obligation to control how ads are displayed on their sites and not NOIA’sNOIA. I believe the only assistance NOIA can rendered is to notify such site about the frequent complaints by clients who visit such; probably too many ads or irrelevant contents on the site.

Will NOIA be able to use already existing network of the NOIAdevices to achieve their aims?

Already existing networks are what made up the Web. NOIA will make use of already existing network only that it will improve on the content delivery method and reduce cost and time of transmitting content globally.

Will websites have to change their infrastructure to become a part of NOIANOIA network?

Absolutely not necessary! Being part of NOIA network is not hectic and websites do not have to restructure their infrastructure to be able to integrate into the NOIA’s network.

I read from the white paper that for now the NOIA project will run a centralized system, that at some point it will be totally decentralized, how fast will these come to pass, people are very conscious of projects they venture into and with the rate at which projects and ICO are springing up this days, what makes NOIA project standout?

NOIA network runs on decentralized platform. It is only the Cloud controller that would for now, be centralized for a short period. This period would depend on the time NOIA observed (with the current centralized Cloud controller serving as a prototype to discover new areas) strategically areas to place more Cloud Controllers and economical requirements to set up more Cloud Controllers in those attractive geographic locations. In a decentralize network, it takes more than two device to function and achieve the aim of decentrality. Therefore after areas to place new Cloud Controllers are satisfactorily discovered the Cloud Controller layer will gradually attend decentrality.

What are some underlying factors that affect website access and download speeds and how does NOIA fit into this?

Take for instance, how would the scenario be like when 100 people are in a room and try to get out of the room the same time? Firstly, there would be stampede and some of these persons would be gashing for air to breath and others might die in the process of trying to compete and come out of the congested room.

Factors such as traffic jam (that is, too many clients requesting for contents in a specific website at the same time) and Distance from clients device to the hosting website. NOIA fits into this by reducing traffic jam by creating more Master nodes across the world that contents are cached. Order than access contents from only the hosting sites, clients can also access such contents from Master nodes and Worker nodes that this same information are cached in without necessarily struggling to fetch the content from just a single source (the hosting site). This will increase speed of download since there are not struggles to access content from a single source.

Can my website performance go down after I start using NOIA?

Website performance would go better and not worst. NOIA would help distribute more of contents from website and increase the income such website make and reputation of their brand or product becomes popular due to the large population their contents now reach and ease and speed to access their content.

Why as an organization would I want to use any of NOIA network services?

Every Organization dream is to be at it best of carrying out its aim, satisfying it customers and gaining more customers in the market it operates on. The Internet has kick out many traditional information methods such as traditional mailing centers (Post offices). One does not have to wait for weeks or months before he receive messages from customers and members abroad. With just few seconds, contents can be delivered no matter the location of the sender or recipient. With NOIAincreasing the speed and saving more in transmission of contents from across the world, it is obvious they will improve organizational goals in the way they interact with their clients via the Internet and of course make more profit from their vast customers they reach on the web.

In terms of security, the NOIA network will also be a bridge indirectly between intruders and the main host websites since the NOIA network will only provide authorized contents by hosting websites. Though Organizations has their own firewalls, the NOIA network will be an extra protection of their classified contents.

How does NOIA aim to ensure Stable Network to backup for unsteady nodes like yours and mine?

In a region all nodes cannot be bad or unstable in terms of network availability. NOIA ensured that unstable devices would be backed up by caching same content on such devices to nearby devices in order to quickly retrieve them when clients are in need of the contents. This will happen so fast that users will not even noticed it.

Who can set up NOIA node?

Anyone can set up a NOIA node on their computer. All that need to be available is internet access and extra space on your PC and you can download the NOIA app.

How can I opt out of NOIA network if I want to make use of my unused storage space before?

This is one of the questions I know most users want to ask. Though it was not well stated in the NOIA documents how to opt out of the NOIA network when clients want to make use of their initial unused storage space they delegated to the NOIA network.

On NOIA Telegram, Emilis Klybas responded to this question that Users who wished to opt out of the system can do so by simply deleting once account and deleting cached contents from such nodes.
"Opting out NOIA is a similar process to other applications. During the uninstalling, operating system will also delete the cache that contains encrypted files that were downloaded and streamed afterwards. So simply uninstalling the app will clear your computer storage and you will no longer be a node. " He said.
Emilis Klybas is one of the NOIA community managers.
Nevertheless, it can be assured that there would be no need to opt out of a system that you benefits from rather you will want to get more space to attach to the one you already had.

I wonder how NOIA Network would impact the STEEM blockchain. How would they contribute with some platforms like: Steemit, Busy, DTube and DLive? In what way would do it?

Steemit, D-tube, Facebook, D-live, Twitter, Instagram name all platforms you can would be impacted positively by the NOIA network as long as the internet is concern. Downloading contents from D-Tube would be easier and faster, viewing contents on Steemit community would be faster in loading, Facebook videos and contents will be access with more speed since traffic is indirectly reduced. All internet base website will be highly impacted using NOIA Network unless such websites or social media do not use the internet for sending and receiving contents.

What are the economic importances of the NOIA’s token and when is NOIA's Airdrop and how can I participate?

The NOIA’s token has a stable market value as a medium of exchange as long as CSL serve customers that are ready to acquire the token to operate their nodes.

Below is the instruction on how to be a node on the NOIA network:


Below is a screen shot photo of the current statistic of the NOIA NETWORK.

noia nodes across the world.png

Summary of NOIA network statistic is shown below

network stats.png

Join the NOIA network to be part of the future.

Instructions to join the NOIA Testnet

The 1st phase of NOIA Testnet is live. We are inviting 2,000 people to participate by deploying NOIA nodes on their machines. To incentivize participation, we will be rewarding each participant with 200 NOIA tokens every week. Anyone that fits the criteria may join and help the network.


  1. Sign up on NOIA Network dashboard and complete your KYC application in order to get approved and therefore qualify for the Airdrop.
  2. Visit NOIA Network GitHub page and follow instructions there to download the NOIA Node Client software and install it on your machine.
  3. In order to qualify for the weekly Airdrop, your node:
    • Must be properly configured (ETH address in KYC application must be the same as the ETH address in your Node settings).
    • Must have the 7676 port opened. To check if it is opened, go to Node settings — check port — change port number from 80 to 7676 — hit check.
    • Must be up and running for at least 72 hours a week (aggregate time).
  4. **Timer resets every Friday at 12 pm UTC.**
  5. You can start running your node today, even if your KYC application hasn’t yet been processed — the time will be recorded and accounted for later.
  6. You will be given a unique referral link. Share it with your friends and increase your weekly rewards of NOIA tokens. Log in to NOIA Network dashboard to learn more.

Watch the following videos to learn more.
Video by NOIA:

You can also learn more about the NOIA Network reading other reviews:

Or visit their Platforms for more answers to your questions.

  • NOIA Network Website
  • NOIA Whitepaper
  • NOIA Telegram
  • NOIA Medium
  • NOIA Token Sale
  • NOIA YouTube
  • NOIA Twitter
  • NOIA Facebook
  • This review is also share on twitter. You can see the tweet here:

    Do not forget to leave a good comment and you can also leave an upvote if you like the review or make a resteem to create awareness of the NOIA Network.

    Thank you for reading this article.


    interesting post thanks @crypto.piotr for the memo to here. thanks again =]

    agreed and upvote! thanks @crypto.piotr for the memo :D stay up one!

    thanks a lot and for the upvote!! =]

    100% upvote from @betgames worth $0.27. Visit us to get more upvotes and SBD. You will get upvotes until we recover your bets


    thanks a lot for another upvote!! =]

    Wow, this is certainly one of the most comprehensive overviews of Noia i've read! I especially appreciate that you go deeper into the technicel setup between cloud - master nodes and worker nodes, gives a much clearer picture about its functioning.

    this is certainly one of the most comprehensive overviews of Noia i've read! I especially appreciate that you go deeper into the technicel setup between cloud - master nodes and worker nodes, gives a much clearer picture about its functioning.

    Totally agree with you my friend @conceptskip

    Once again great job @focygray

    Thank you @flash07 and @conceptskip. The NOIA network is worth having a good review. I am trying to invite one of the NOIA community personnel to give us clear explanation on how the KYC form is been accessed by NOIA team. Though it is specified on the type of Identity card to be used. Most of my colleagues in Nigeria are asking for other means of identification apart from the government issued ones.

    I do not think there is any other means of identification.

    Very nice information!

    Well, it doesn't pay. My kyc is pending for almost 3 weeks now. I'm using their lastest software 0.6.2, set/checked all the port numbers are correct but I'm still getting nothing. I think it's a waste of time :(
    doesnt pay.png

    hi @serverus14

    Is there any chance you could contact me via email: [email protected]?

    Im in close contact with NOIA team and we will would like to get in touch with you and help to solve that issue.


    hi again @serverus14

    I spoke with NOIA representative and he asked me if I could reply to you on his behalf:

    "We are 24/7 reachable in Telegram and quickly solve issues like that.
    Regarding KYC, this might be a problem with our KYC providers, so I contact them and let them know that one applicant stuck in their system and regarding rewards, we just ask few questions as a proof that he runs a node and implement tokens if he is. In this case, he didn't receive tokens because his KYC is not approved."

    I will be happy to help you. Just contact me via email or telegram (crypto.piotr)


    Congratulations @focygray!

    NOIA NETWORK is a great help for all of us who work in the network.

    It is useful to bloggers, gamers, video amateurs, film lovers, investors, contracts, entire communities of decentralized ecosystems, etc.

    Your magnificent explanation of the benefits and scope of the project clears all my doubts about the NOIA NETWORK system; for my particular case, it will serve as a work tool to upload work information related to projects, plans, calculations, calculations and other data that generate great weight on my computer and are difficult to load.

    From this moment I will try to upload the company's Testnet to my machine, to join the cause of this great NOIA NETWORK project that interlaces the information on a global scale, making our lives somewhat easier and our routine activities even more effective.

    Thank you, for sharing such
    a brilliant article, @focygray.
    Greetings to the NOIA NETWORK team

    From this moment I will try to upload the company's Testnet to my machine, to join the cause of this great NOIA NETWORK project that interlaces the information on a global scale, making our lives somewhat easier and our routine activities even more effective.

    I am going to do the same to support this amazing project my friend @nachomolina.

    Thank you for wanting to join the NOIA testnet. I am already registered. Need to pass my KYC.

    what a good post congratulations!
    I am recently entering the world of the NOIA network system and with your detailed explanation I have been able to clarify certain doubts I had on this subject. In my opinion, I find it fantastic how a network will serve as an infrastructure layer that will provide the fastest, most optimized and cost-effective content delivery system on the Internet.
    Thanks for this interesting information, I will be consulting your blog periodically
    Greetings from Venezuela

    Thank you @focygray for this useful information.

    Hi @focygray

    You definitely managed to deliver us complete and very informative article. It explained everything very clearly and allowed me to lose my doubts about NOIA :)

    I especially liked your answers to frequently asked questions, as they really help to properly understand the core of the project. Your tutorial how to join test net is also great :)

    Downloading contents from D-Tube would be easier and faster, viewing contents on Steemit community would be faster in loading

    I have experienced situation when I couldn't post a comment on steemit because of Internet latency. Despite other sites worked perfectly, I suppose that voting and commenting on Steemit is quite more complicated and requires faster bandwidth. Hope that NOIA will improve its performance.

    Greetings, Jan

    Definitely... When you subscribe to the NOIA network, commenting, upvoting and all the rest activities on steemit would be almost having instantaneous response. though there are no instantaneous response but what I mean is that there would be very short time of response and you will hardly notice delay.

    @crypto.piotr recommended to visit and it is very interesting
    Vote and resteem this post

    Thank you for your support to the NOIA network in resteeming the post for a wider audience.

    Great write up mate, and a great project as well. I'm setting a node up very soon in fact. :)

    You will never regret having a node on the NOIA network. I believe the team are great and they will work tirelessly to give more than we've seen so far.