
:-) I thought they dumped that already, the times that fiat was backed by gold are finished, no? :-)

These karatbank guys have 'paper' money that looks like fiat but with real gold inside, it is an insane mix of old with new.

Trust in the backing company is a big fat issue but e.g. these quint guys would document all their asset buying, secure storage etc. on the blockchain itself. It doesn't give me the necessary trust yet but it points to better approaches.

My favourite ending
Exciting Times :-)

It's over, but they still HODL it. Or, atleast they brag about HODLing it.

Here's a list of the greatest HODLers of gold from Wikipedia.
The circulating supply is, I imagine, difficult or impossible to calculate, so we can't predict the effect of dumping 8 megatons of gold back into the world.

It's just an unlikely possibility tho'... And the market will recover. Lookin' forward to seeing the evolution of all of this...

Exciting times!