Goldman Sachs and UBS warn against investing in Bitcoin 高盛和瑞銀警告說不要投資比特幣

in #crypto7 years ago

One of the world's largest investment banks, Goldman Sachs, published a report for the company's richest clients. According to the authors of the document, the rapid growth of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies last year already went beyond the "bubble" and cryptomania outshines not only the "bubble" of dotcoms, but also the tulipmania of 1634-37.
However, despite this, the authors of the report recognize some advantages of crypto and lock-up: "We believe that the concept of digital currency, which uses blocking technology, is viable considering the advantages it can provide: simplicity of transactions at the global level, lower transaction costs, reduction of corruption and security ".
At the same time, Goldman Sachs denies the availability of key advantages in bitcoin: "Bitcoin is not only not easy to use, but often it takes up to 10 days to make calculations. At the end of 2017, the discrepancies in prices on 17 American exchanges for 1 bitcoin reached $ 4,156, the commission soared to the skies, and frequent break-ins caused the devastation of entire purses and exchanges, "analysts at Goldman Sachs write.
Goldman Sachs does not see any prospects for a future currency, but believes that the collapse of the crypto currency market will not have a negative impact on the global economy or financial markets: "At the peak of the dotcom bubble in March 2000, the cumulative capitalization of Nasdaq and S & P 500 shares of information technology companies was 101 % Of the US GDP and 31% of world GDP. The total capitalization of crypto-currencies is now 3.2% of US GDP and 0.8% of world GDP, "analysts explain.
Earlier, the head of investment strategy Wells Fargo Securities, Christopher Harvey expressed the opposite opinion, saying that the explosion of the bubble crypto currency will shake the stock market.
The head of UBS Bank Axel Weber said that the bank considers bitcoin a speculative asset. Bitcoin is not a currency, it's speculative investments, he said, adding that he does not advise retail clients who do not have the ability to take risks and sufficient knowledge to invest in the crypto currency. Despite the fact that UBS allows institutional customers to trade bitcoin, Weber made it clear that the bank does not recommend investing in this asset.
其中最大的投資銀行,高盛發給客戶最豐富的全球報告。根據作者,比特幣和其他快速增長的cryptocurrency去年已經超越了“泡沫”和kriptomaniya黯然失色不僅是“泡沫”的dot-com,但tyulpanomaniya 1634至1637年兩年期。
與此同時,高盛否認從Bitcoin的關鍵優勢“比特幣不僅僅體現在它的易用性的存在,但往往需要長達10天的時間進行計算。在2017年底在美國股票交易所的價格差異17 1 比特幣達到$ 4156,學費飛漲,以及頻繁闖入造成整個錢包與交流“的破壞-編寫分析師高盛。
此前,富國證券的投資策略的頭,克里斯托弗•哈維表達了相反的觀點,他說,泡沫破滅cryptocurrency poshatnot股市。
瑞士銀行(UBS)負責人Axel Weber表示,該行認為比特幣是一種投機資產。比特幣 - 這不是貨幣,投機性投資,他說,並補充說,他建議不必承擔風險,並有足夠的知識,以投資於cryptocurrency的能力誰零售客戶。儘管瑞銀允許機構客戶交易比特幣,韋伯明確表示,銀行不建議在這種資產的投資。


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Banks loves talks that all they don't understand are bad or bubbles. I call it fear... we had at least 3 times that banks talk that Tech was a bubble, and where we are.