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RE: The Most Pathetic Attempt At Killing Bitcoin Ever, Trying To Link Bitcoin To Child Abuse

in #crypto6 years ago

Holy shit, something something pot and black kettle... The establishment are the greatest child abusers in history, they get up to all kinds of clandestine goings ons as well as destroying everyone's wealth when they can't get their greasy mitts on them in physical form. They are trying to project all their misdeeds onto the enemy, in this case their enemy is Bitcoin, of course it isn't going to work and as such the proof is that they keep desperately trying to make new attacks.

There would be no need for such attacks if Bitcoin was not such a threat.

I notice there is some positive sentiment coming out of governments and regulators now but with the condition that anonymity be controlled; they don't want free people to be able to transact wealth anonymously. I wonder if they are so keen to have their nefarious spending habits on the blockchain eh?
