StakeCube Portfolio May 2020
From the beginning, I let you know that I have never invested money in these sites.
I wanted to see how far I could go without investing my money. Stakecube offers the possibility to receive crypto, by pressing the claim button, once every 24 hours. So that's where I started.
To start claiming, u just need to follow this: use the icon with many cubes,click on the community,and then click on the faucets. There you click claim for every coins that are listed there.
I want to specify from now on, if you bring your members, you will receive a reward for what they stack.
The coins you can receive by claiming are currently the following: Bitcoin,Litecoin,Dogecoin,Dash,Ducat,Blocknet,Digibyte,Pivx,GoldPoker,StakeCubeCoin, SpectrumX,MMOCoin,e-Sport betting,APRcoin,TRBO,Vsync,AllSafe,Altbet,Crypto Trading Solutions,Know your developer,PRIVACY,
So after a period of claiming,i started to track the rewards. So,in 1 May i had the following coins :
SCC: 0.92 - > 0.43 USD
SPE : 18.6 -> 0.027 USD
APRCoin: 2.74 - > 0.013 USD
Ducat : 20 - > 0.013 USD
TRBO: 2540 - > 0.041 USD
AllSafe: 0.568 - > 0.025 USD
KnowyourDev: 2.42 - > 0.012 USD
GoldPoker: 9.75 - > 0.017 USD
ESportsBetting : 2.88 - > 0.085 USD
I deposited some coins from other faucets that i claimed:
MMO : i had MMO from some faucets,so i deposited here, i had 406 MMO - > 0.88USD
BeanCash: 680 - > 0.165 USD
eXperience Points : 575 -> 0.16 USD
PAC Global: 407 -> 0.041 USD
PriVCY: 515 -> 0.91 USD
Reddcoin: 71 -> 0.105 USD
And i invested around 75-100 satoshies for every other coins that they got on the site,so i wont publish now,because it
s a really small amount. This amount that i invested,is also from the faucets that i claiming from.
What i got after 1 month of stacking? Let`s see my balance now :
SCC: 0.94149265 -> 0.4452 USD
AEM : 7.47050042 -> 0.029
SPE: 18.90250996 - > 0.0275
MMOCoin: 409.36157691 -> 0.897
APRCoin : 2.90992694 -> 0.0138
Shard: 2.55909214 -> 0.0349
Ducat: 20.77463444 -> 0.01
Deviant : 2.34563723 -> 0.0446
BeanCash: 711.27456479 -> 0.1757
Reddcoin : 71.55828405 -> 0.1076
KYDC : 2.44371520 -> 0.0125
GoldPoker: 9.77536295 -> 0.0177
XP: 593.83391795 -> 0.1681
e-Sportbetting: 2.89004683 -> 0.0854
PAC: 408.43331029 -> 0.0417
SocialSend: 6.03354401 -> 0.0239
Flits: 0.01532615 -> 0.017
TRBO: 2604.69912891 -> 0.0417
Monkey: 1.08398006 -> 0.0257
PRiVCY: 518.29188026 -> 0.9283
AllSafe: 0.56990178 -> 0.0259
Polis: 0.01356155 -> 0.01
Bitcoin: 0.00000460 -> 0.0436
I did not post all the coins I have on the stakecube, because their value is less than 100 satoshis.
I started my portfolio on 1 May with a value of 2.63 USD and ended in 1 June with a value of 3.13 USD
My total account balance in 2 June is 0.00032190 BTC
My plans for the month of June:
Continue to claim from faucets
Continue to post monthly my progresion on this portfolio
If you wanna join in my team and start earning, click on my refferal link: