5 Major Catalysts on the way for Crypto, could ignite a rally in Altcoins (including Steem!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto6 years ago

Crypto has at least 5 major catalysts coming in the next several months...

Will that ignite prices?

We shall see...

If I had to take a bet, I would bet these next several months are very good for crypto, steem included.

So, what are these bullish catalysts you may be wondering?

First up, we have Facebook launching their coin at some point within the next few months.

Originally it was said they were going to launch in Q1 of 2020, however, recent news has been speculating that the release will come much sooner.


Some are even calling for June 16th.

I can't see it happening that fast, but we may get it well before Q1 of 2020.

Either way, this news likely brings in a lot of new people to the crypto space. Something that could be extremely bullish for crypto prices.

Next up, we have the LTC halving taking place on August 6th.

The block rewards will drop from 25 to 12.5 per block.

Just like bitcoin, this likely puts a major bid under litecoin:

(Source: https://www.ccn.com/3-mega-bullish-triggers-that-can-set-the-cryptocurrency-market-on-fire)

As prices run up in ltc, it likely attracts outside capital, which will be diversifying out of ltc and into other coins as the euphoria reaches fever pitch.

Which is part of my premise of what is good for one altcoin, likely is good for the rest of the space as well.

Next up we have Fidelity, Etrade, and TDA all likely getting involved.

The date of this is a little less clear, but the rumors were sometime in Q2-Q3 of this year.

That puts their launch dates within the next several months.

Potentially opening the gates to thousands upon thousands of new investors, many of the institutional variety that don't want to worry about custody.

Bakkt can likely be included in this list as they are expected to launch at some point within the next few months as well.

Next up is the Ethereum transition from POW to POS.

That means that people who wish to keep "mining" the coin will be able to mine directly in relation to their stake.

That means that miners likely buy up large chunks of ether as we get closer to the transition.

Similar to litecoin, this will likely cause a run up in prices that will likely attract new capital into the space which will spill over into other projects and coins.

Again, what is good for one coins is likely good for a whole bunch of other coins.

This is expected to happen end of 2019 or early 2020.

Finally, the Bitcoin block reward halving.

This one is the furthest away, not expected to happen until May of 2020, but past history has shown us that it often impacts prices as soon as one year before it actually happens.

Which is right where we are currently.

If that same pattern plays out, we can expect a very bullish period over the next 11 months leading up into the halving, as well as the 12 months following the actual halving.

Not sure about you, but these 5 major catalysts all give me a very good reason to be bullish on bitcoin, altcoins, and steem over the coming months.

And these have nothing to do with the seemingly positive developmental changes we are seeing lately surrounding steem.

Stay informed my friends.

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Indeed. Some exciting times. Well we waited long enough for some action. Guess we have been given enough time to gather the goods.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, did you gather them?

Haha. Everything but the kitchen sink at this point. Lol. Mostly mains and some specific alt projects I believe in

Posted using Partiko Android

Hopefully it works out for us!

🤞🏼 have a great weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks. You too.

Exactly.. Investors had enough time to gather and stock up their portfolio with good altcoins. Am not much of an investor but I do have the major altcoins like Ethereum and Ripple, also upcoming alts like Harmony and Veil too. Let the mainstream come. We are ready.


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I hope steem would ride the coattails of these events and other cryptos graciously.

That is my hope as well.

Unless it's changed recently, 32 ETH is the magic number you will need to hold to be a node on the network.

It seems to be a bit more than that according to the article I linked:

"The bullishness of this event is magnified when you understand that each validator must own at least 1,500 ETH to participate (~$373,500)."


I'd say that's more than a bit! Have no idea where they got that number. Everywhere else I see 32.

"Validator - a participant in the Casper/sharding consensus system. You can become one by depositing 32 ETH into the Casper mechanism." https://docs.ethhub.io/ethereum-roadmap/ethereum-2.0/eth-2.0-economics/
"Taking into account the minimum staking requirement of 32 ETH, computing costs, code risk, general uptime and maintenance costs, and more, Myers concluded the current ethereum 2.0 specifications resulted in net yields “that are highly unlikely to attract a small validator.” https://www.coindesk.com/buterin-proposal-could-turn-ethereum-staking-into-160-million-industry


Yea, not sure. I see your number mentioned a few times, but I also see that 1,500 number mentioned in here as well...


"Your deposit transaction," Vitalik clarified, will be "included in the Ethereum blockchain." This process, in which the minimum of 1,500 ETH can be staked, takes about 45 minutes, as the staked ETH induces the EVM to verify other transactions. After those 45 minutes, your identity-as-code has been written into the platform itself and "you are now staking."

I will look in the github. I can guarantee this much, if it's 1500 I will not be operating an ETH node... lol
That's pretty bad news for decentralization in general since anyone can currently mine ETH PoW.

They are both right. The hybrid PoS/PoW Casper FFG will require 1500 ETH to stake. This is during the transition from PoW. I'm guessing it's higher during that phase because more trust is required to facilitate that transition. Only large ETH foundations/stakeholders will be able to afford that. When sharding is implemented it will drop to 32.

I'm not sure what the timeline is, but will be holding 32 eth for that eventuality.

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I was thinking September and October would be good times to buy with health dips... but now I'm not so sure. There really are a lot of developments in the works.

Yep, lot of major catalysts over the next 12 months... Though like I posted a while back, even during the 2016-2017 bull market, there were nine 30% corrections... which means there will always be dips. :)

When Q3 starts I'm going to enjoy see BTC rising and rising... :D

I've heard Facebook will launch their coin in 2020, so a lot will happen in a small window of time...

Yep, they originally said Q1 of 2020. Recently though there have been some leaks saying it could be much sooner...

Ye, I heard that too, but I don´t think the official date has changed!

I think the white paper is coming in June, that is what it is...

Time to buy good altcoins and lock the wallet for some months, eyeing coins like bnb bat veil privacy coin and top it with ripple or ltc

Some good choices in there. Good luck!


Not sure what this says...

This may be why the FUD that continues to be heard is having less impact as there is a healthy demand for smaller supply!

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These are why I want to be buying this next pullback.