The problem of the spread of fake news. Where can the protocol from the Exorde project be applied?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto2 years ago

Every year there is more and more fake news.
This is a problem we cannot ignore, and we must take action now.
The first step is to understand what fake news is and what it is not. Fake news is not just an opinion with which you disagree, it is something clearly false and intentionally misleading. They are designed to deceive or misinform you in order to advance some agenda or someone's position.
Next, be careful when reading articles on social media - especially those with which you disagree. Check the source! Is it a reputable news site? Does it quote another reputable news site? Even if they cite good sources, do they seem too good to be true? Do they have any evidence or citations for their claims? Or are they just saying something because they want it to be true?
Finally, if you see something suspicious in an article or post someone sent you on social media, ask them about it! Ask them for links to credible sources to back up their claims so you can verify them yourself before you believe them.
The problem of fake news is growing, and it's not going away. While the content of fake news can range from absurd to disturbing, they are all designed to mislead readers and capitalize on the confusion.
The development of social media has made it easier than ever before to quickly spread false stories. Social media platforms have been slow to address this problem, although they have taken some steps in recent years. In addition, some studies show that people who consume more news online are more likely to believe fake news.
We live in a world where there is a wealth of information, and it's hard to know what to believe.
Fake news is not a new phenomenon, but it has become more common as social media has grown in popularity. This year alone, more than 200 million fake news articles have been created and shared on Facebook.
The best way to make sure news is accurate is to find the first source of information and then check the links to it. If the first source links to an article or video on another site, that link should go directly to the original source.
If you follow the link from there and see that it leads to another site, then keep following the link until you get back to the original source.
Sometimes that takes a lot of effort and time! The Exorde project team has developed a protocol that will simplify this task and find the first source of information for you!
Moreover, the protocol can be applied in business or marketing.
Exorde is a decentralized protocol that allows anyone to commission 100 or even 1000 people to run blockchain-based software to research a specific topic or keyword. Exorde not only scans social media and blog platforms to gather the most recent published conversations, but also uses machine learning to collate data and interpret how people feel about a topic.
Currently, the protocol can determine the following attitudes
Neutral - Awareness - Embarrassment - Amusement - Approval - Curiosity - Disapproval - Love - Annoyance - Caring - Gratitude - Surprise - Optimism - Nervousness - Excitement - Joy - Desire - Disgust - Fear - Anger - Disappointment - Sadness - Confusion - Pride - Relief - Remorse - Grief.


Exorde can be used to research a topic of interest to you and find out how widely it is being discussed, what people think about it, and how that information varies in different parts of the world.
This will allow you to create a business that takes people's feelings and views into account, and to determine if now is the right time to focus on a particular issue.
It's using data to inform marketing decisions on a whole new level; it's helping you predict the likely response rather than the current approach, which is essentially "let's put this out there and see what happens."
The applications of Exorde in business and marketing are endless.

  • Find out what people think about your brand (or even a competitor's brand).
  • Get quick, targeted feedback on your marketing campaign without having to survey a single person.
  • Get a quick analysis of first reviews of your new movie, game, or music release.
  • Find out which parts of the world are most positive and appreciative of your creative project.
  • Get a balanced picture of what people are saying about the current debate or controversy without relying on the accuracy of news platforms.
  • Make smarter investment decisions in stocks and cryptocurrencies by tracking attitudes online.
    Social media is a critical tool for business, but a strong endorsement and presence is just the beginning. In the long run, thriving on social media will require intertwining your business with everyday social conversations.
    With Exorde, you can not only respond to conversations, but also influence and manage them.

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