How cloud mining ponzis nearly ruined my bitcoin business completely:

in #crypto8 years ago

I thought splitting my profits with outsourced mining managers was a good idea... I thought wrong.

The result was depression, suicidal thoughts, fear of losing millions in future bitcoin asset increases, a delay in website developments, and my girlfriend and investors being VERY angry at me!

Hi, my name is Tyler.

I work for minimum wage in America and am tired as fuk most of the time. I know what you are thinking, "join the club." It's hard being broke as a joke.

When I first got into bitcoin, I was working on creating a website. My girlfriend and I had just lost $70,000 to the google adsense ban hammer (a terrible blow and a story for another time) - we were starting again from scratch. I knew I needed a loan because I was not about to give up on my developments.... So I got a 1.5 bitcoin loan from bitcoin jam.
My plan was to invest in cloud mining and use the daily profits to advertise.

Facebook charges you $10 for 10 visitors, yet you can get 10 higher quality bitcoin (or STEEM coin) enthusianados for 7¢ worth of bitcoin. I didn't need to invest all the bitcoin into advertising all at once, so I thought why not do it incrementally?

I was hoping to invest my cloud mining profits at a few bitmil a day and drive traffic to my site to build a following slowly. I knew cloud mining was risky so I diversified and even did research to make sure each company had a valid POOL. A pool I can mine in means that real mining is going on, right?


Cointellect - hashie - hashprofit - - cloudhasher - probably 1 or 2 others.... ALL SCAMS.

I was a newbie and I made a bad decision, yes. But why is there so much anger at me, when ultimately...
those cloud mining sites are at fault and should not exist? Why is there not greater effort to jail thieves like this? Why is there not a hacker community taking down ponzis before they are allowed to hurt honest people? Why the hell or HOW the hell are those people happy with themselves doing "business" the way they do???

I still owe a little over a bitcoin and I got a new job and will pay it back when I can afford to. That is my promise to the crypto community. It sucks because I worked for 2 solid weeks of my life at minimum wage, just to pay off thieves - instead of focus on my business. I'm just sharing my pain here I guess...

I also just wanted to let everyone know I am a genuine guy and am going to fix the errors I inherited from said THIEVES.

What is being done as retribution to all the ponzis?
And why am I still receiving hate?

Quote from: rezilient on July 06, 2016, 11:32:23 PM

I clearly remember you about your bullshit posts before
You've got some over due debts

My work is not bullshit.

Im trying, I really am. After google completely ruined me, something I still have to write about later, losing $1000 worth of bitcoin on top to scammers really almost nailed the coffin shut. But here I am, reborn and hopefully soon to succeed thanks to STEEM. I know this post would get maybe 5 likes on facebook, so I did not even bother writing it there. But now maybe we will see where this goes. God bless. Thanks for your comments and support.


to the trolls: get a life please. Try to create real value or offer constructive criticism at the very least!

to the crypto coin humans with real soul: much love!  Thanks and cheers!

to everyone else everywhere: BEWARE cloud mining and bitcoin / steem coin investment sites. DO NOT invest your money anywhere - you are much better off creating your own business or website, and investing in YOURSELF! Sadly, being anonymous turns many humans into evil thieves it seems. There are a lot of good people out there, but don't trust anyone when it comes to parting with your hard earned money, unless they meet a very slim criteria for investing which I will cover later! For now, invest in steem power, or buy more bitcoin (bitcoin and steem's success actually go hand in hand) - or invest in your own education, business or advertising. Learn how to write good posts/make good videos and change the world with your ideas, then invest in cheap coin advertising! (Remember, facebook charges $10 for 10 visitors! Bitcoin can send you 10 crypto knowledgable peeps for 7¢ - and who knows when steem will have an advertising option, but when it does - GUARANTEED it will be 186,000% less price gougey than facebook!) STOP making zuckerberg / google rich, and instead enrich the collective of ALL people who own BTC/STEEM/ANY_crypto!

With infinite love, GODSPEED!

~King Tyler VVS
furious warrior of justice,  
starving to thriving artist,  
published author,  
website owner and developer of -
    The Daily Dollar Digital Freedom Club ~ (under construction)
CEO of the Freedom Network ~ (under construction)
and first founder of the United People of Earth (website coming soon!)

Follow me to participate in our alpha testing phase and later beta testing and omega launch! I award free bitcoin dividends to all who support! @


I feel you man I lost some bitcoin on cloud mining myself back in early 2015. The only one that has really been paying out for me for the past year is Genesis-Mining. They really do seem to have a solid company with great customer service. But hey we never know what will happen to them too. But ever since I lost my bitcoin I have never invested on another cloudmining site!

word. its a shame - it discourages newbies from spending their bitcoin, and spending bitcoin is what makes the price go up.

Invest in nothing but yourself! Cheers mate!

this steemit is easily worth more than .01 - and when a meme with no content gets $800 and this gets 1 penny, that tells you #steemit is broken. Don't waste your time here people EDIT - until steemit makes a few improvements.

or it tells you people don't appreciate your content.

maybe. I will try several more different posts, but this same content went VIRAL on bitcointalk so I know it is good content. People want to know the real spiel, GOOD OR BAD.

I only post this as a warning so others don't make my mistake. You are 100% correct on mindset my friend :)