Ethereum could go to $10K in 2021 and outperform Bitcoin, says veteran trader

in #crypto4 years ago


“It's like investing in the Internet in the early 1990s to me.”, Melker said.

Short article and video about a veteran trader Melker thinks about the price of ethereum and where it might be heading in the near future. Funny I just heard that a well know crypto newsletter writer said the same thing about the price of ethereum. Maybe it will happen, boy would that make my year! Anyway it sounds like it might be an exciting year for ethereum, so I'm a holder of the coin.....

Read the full story here....


If ethereum can't get the gas fees down, these other chains are going to take a lot of business

I'm hearing that there will news in a couple of days and then again in a couple of months about that, hang on to your hat the news is about to start flowing

Do you think it will over take btc?

The market wants lower gas fees just look at the binance is rising in price because of their chain.

I don't think so, not for some time anyway.