Reggie, the FOUNDER of VERI on a chat room forum, comes out of nowhere, demands retraction and apology! AWESOME!
I copied this from ETH Trader!
STAY AWAY FROM VERITASEUM + Be wary of Omar aka "crypt0" self.ethtrader
submitted 19 days ago by runcmc22
My roommate bought 33 VERI for 9 ETH, 16 hours later 33 VERI buys him .4 ETH. Terrible white paper, terrible website, terrible support (support is literally a random guys email).
As you probably have seen Omar pumped this one pretty hard. Chances are he bought into the ICO because the video was very click baitish. I didn't expect him to throw this out to his audience especially considering the lack of any real backing paired with his big audience of mostly new crypto buyers.
All I'm saying is don't trust ANYONE but yourself, not the comments, forums or YouTubers because everyone has a stake in the game. I do love Omars content and he seems like a great dude.
This received 33 comments before this happened!
Reggie-Middleton 6 points 9 days ago*
I think you should check your facts and rescind your false statement. On a volume weighted basis, VERI never traded for 33:0.4. Maybe someone made 1 trade for that by mistake, but guys like you who spread false information are what ruin it for everyone. I'm the founder, Google me...
I'm probably the most well known of any token offering lead, with 10 years of performance in the public space. VERI is currently trading at $80 up 36x from 1st day of offering), and went up in price as the entire crypto market went down last week, including ETC & BTC. We are currently the 9th largest asset in the industry and we're the only ones not traded on a large exchange yet - because we're the newest. That should tell you something. We've also had the best performance of any token in the history of the industry (that I know of). We started shipping product before the initial offering even ended.
I don't know why you say the whitepaper was awful, we don't have a white paper because we already had product and clients. The Jamaican Stock Exchange "publicly" invited us down to discuss tokenization business, and the top ten holders of VERI, averaging about $6m each, have not sold a cent. Many have added to their inventory. Please do not spread lies. Now, how about you recant your false comments and issue an apology. Maybe you don't realize how much trouble your fake news commentary can cause innocent people.
Here are some facts to counter your statements
I will gladly by ALL of your tokens, and your friends tokens as well, for the 33:1 ratio you said you bought them for. As a matter of fact, I'll throw in a ten percent bonus as a token of my generosity. How about that?
To be honest, I doubt you even bought the tokens that you;re describing, because if you did, you'd know that we teach people how to truly evaulate token opportunities in exchange for Veritas.
Read this
Way to go Regi! VERI is a game changer and I love it!
The guys responce is also worth sharing.
runcmc22 2 points 8 days ago
To be fair at the time of this posting, VERI went from $250 to mere pennies, plus seeing various YouTubers back this project then say nothing after the price fall would lead anybody to believe it was a pump and dump. Like many other coins you don't have a working product, your website layout looks terrible and your team consists of two other people, one of which don't even have a profile picture on LinkedIn. News and information is completely barebones unless listings haven't been optimized on Google, which if not, are also points against VERI. Quite frankly the only thing going for VERI was you, which I'm sure is the only reason my roommate invested.
I'm happy to see that you're a real man standing by his product and I apologize for libeling it, but given the circumstances and the amount of scams in the token space, assuming VERI was a scam is a blameless mistake. What I can do, is make another post on r/ethtrader stating I was wrong about VERI, give an ELI5 to the people who don't understand it/haven't heard of it and give them a link to purchase on ether delta. Because I hold so many tokes, I want to see it succeed as well, I've contacted Kraken, Poloniex and Bitfinex requesting that they incorporate VERI. But I am happy to see you on CMC with a more stable price and market cap.
That will teach him!
I recall that there were a lot of YouTubers promoting VERI pretty hard when it came out. Luckily I did not fall for their pump. Good luck out there. Remember to do your research before buying!
buying coins when they first come out is very risky!
Are you guys even reading the article? Reggie, the FOUNDER of VERI came on a chat site out of nowhere and put some guy trashing his product in his place. Made him print a retraction and apologise. I love VERI it is going to be awesome. It will replace the need for Contract Lawyers. It allows us peer to peer contracts!
Is that Reggie?
Ya, it is really him! He sure put that guy in his place.
I love Reggie (although his writing has no filter: straight from his hyper-active brains)

Thanks! I should at least spell his name right!