Bitcoin, the fallen king ?

in #crypto3 years ago


This is a reflection not an analysis, free for everyone to interpret the future of BTC in their own way.
This post is my possible take on BTC in the face of the craze of certain cryptos and technology.

1 / January 3, 2009, where it all begins… …… ..

After a first presentation in November 2008, this first digital currency starts on January 03, 2009.
21 million units is the limit of the initial code programmed by a certain Satoshi Nakamoto.
This limit makes this crypto dinosaur the most significant numerical value to date, as of this writing BTC is testing 50k resistance but for how long?

Satoshi Nakamoto of his pseudonym, would have created this first numerical value which unlike fiats is not administered by banking authorities.
The blockchain system values ​​technology and anonymity.
Used in these early years on the dark web in particular, or by geeks.
BTC has now found a different audience, sometimes curious about this technology, but also investors more interested in profit.

2 / The btc, digital GOLD

With an all-time high on April 14, 2021 of US $ 64,804.72, the btc surprises, questions, but confirms that it is still present despite these detractors.

Often assimilated to GOLD, it certainly becomes a safe haven.
But can we speak of a safe haven with a digital asset?
I leave you the only judge of that….

3 / ETH is biding its time

ETH offers newer technology, correcting the logical flaws of the first digital currency in the process.
But these huge spawns are now slowing its progress.
With v2 coming soon, solutions will be provided that will certainly make ETH a benchmark for exchanges.

An increase is expected once v2 is in place, ETH offers a huge community, and projects that are too.
Other technologies, other blockchains provide relevant solutions as well.

4 / Conclusion

In my opinion, BTC is not dead, it will be the first one for a while.
The community cannot run the btc even if it is restricted. If BTC collapses, the entire crypto economy will suffer. BTC is the central pillar of a system, it is reassuring for investors and those new to the curious.
On the other hand, I think ETH once in v2 will become more powerful. And maybe even tickle high BTC levels in a few years.
We are talking about the stars of the crypto, but as my dear mulder (x-files) would say, the truth is elsewhere ......
Crypto must integrate with everyone and to do this it must provide payment solutions without large price fluctuations.
E-commerce is the very basis of this integration, there are several possibilities to be able to do it.
The regularization by the governments, will become an obligation even if it displeases.
Certain crypto such as stablecoins or xrp will, in my opinion, become a compulsory basis for crypto to enter all homes.
But I think we also need these fluctuations, because we will also mix this stable system with a more volatile side as we can see it on the stock market.