About this "dip".
"This is the end, huh?"
That's how my day started. A huge ass notification on my phone screen from a cryptofriend.
What happened....? I wondered and jumped out of bed. I knew it! In crypto, you should never sleep!!
I opend the Blockfolio to find out that we are experiencing a "dip". BTC is under 12.000$, Steem is down, SBD is down, everything is RED. Expect for a few fighters ( looking at you NEO) everyone conceded. IT IS THE END!

Imagine today is 16th of January 2017. Can you remember what you did that day? Maybe check back in your post history and see what you wrote. Maybe get back on the messenger and see what you talked with your friends.
Chances are...you weren't talking about crypto.
Do you remember the price?
What I've seen today is a lot of people crying over the dying of BTC, over ETH going back to nothing, the doom of crypto, it was all a scamm, etc. People falling as the crypto tree shakes. As they call them: weak hands!.
I can see why: it's upsetting to lose money, sometimes more money then you ever had! It's also after a period of insane euphoria and bull market and no one wants for the party to stop. But sometimes, you need to go home and take a look in the mirror and remember why you're on the dancefloor in the first place.
I don't know about you, but there's more to Steemit than money. It's about value.
Has the value proposition of crypto changed in the last week?
Has any event made crypto obsolete?
We will see in the next days/weeks/months a lot of weak hands folding. New people who never experienced the amazing dips of august will never imagine how low and how much you can lose and how fast. Some will never recover, some will get back at a better place, some will go down with the ship and back up. I dunno what's correct, I dunno what's the right answer, I have ZERO clue if this is the ultimate dip or not.
But looking at fundamentals...
Now go back to that day, a year ago.
I come to you:
Raz:I am from the future!!
CryptoDude: Do we have flying cars???
R:Dude, I'm an year from the future, we don't have anything different, it's just 2018..
C:That's a shitty time machine bro
R:NO! Wait, I'm here to make you rich!! BUY BITCOIN!! BUY ETH!! BUY STEEM!!
C:Hmm, I mean I've heard of first, no clue what the second one is and..wait, what, STEAM
R:Ok, listen, everything is 10x up, some 100x even. Buy now!! BTC is going to 10.000$!
C:Hahahhaa, right pal, right...
We're in the future few had the audacity to dream a year back and we are crying DIP!! This annoys me to no end.
I wrote this to have something to look back next year on this very day.
And maybe we'll have flying cars as well...
Many would say that right now is a perfect time to buy and increase those Steem and SBD stores for when the value invariable shoots back up. It's still 3x what it was just a month or two ago. It's crazy how quickly people forget when prices are high.
This was so needed and still could use some pullback in all coins, even BTC. The market was in an irrational time, buying as if everything should go up so fast. This created a false sense of what the markets do. We need to shake out the weak hands, understand what has true value and where it should be. Then the market will begin to correct itself once again. Steem has true value and I will be looking to buy some on this dip.
I can imagine someone in the crypto-sphere sitting on their couch asking a friend "Want some chips and dip?" And the response being something like this ha.. "Did you say DIP?" And the next person, "Its a DIP! Everybody freak out!!"
(not sure what the source is for this, but it's too good not share.)
I think Bitcoin is Unstoppable @razvanelulmarin
But we wasn't ready to take a risk and i believe some point we need to take that risk to achieve something bigger .. nice post...Thanks
Please sell all your bitcoins, ether, steem, ...
Give the late starters a second chance :-)
For those in it for the long haul right now is a great time to acquire while low. Steem will go back up. Etherum will go back up. Buy dips, flip waves.
People just love drama man. They get bored otherwise :))
If everything is green they FOMO, if everything is red they FUD, you just can win :)
Great write up !
Buy that shit until it bleeds real blood!