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RE: Don't follow me, I'm lost 6 (A projection is not a prediction)
Heavy sigh. Crossover postponed indefinitely. The EMAs are now diverging bearishly. This too shall pass.
Heavy sigh. Crossover postponed indefinitely. The EMAs are now diverging bearishly. This too shall pass.
Don't hold your breath.

A slight improvement in outlook, but still a yawner.

No one is reading this but I'll explain anyway.
I'm writing this in California at 5 PM on 7/16/18, but the crypto histories that I pull are based on GMT, so it is already 7/17/18 in those histories.
So my little projection table shows bitcoin may make a bullish cross about 7/20, or 3 days from now.
And ETH about 4 days from now and LTC maybe 7 days from now.
So it is kind of heads up time for me, but not serious yet.
I'm long only, so I can't wait for the bullish signal (but I will...wait that is).