Major marketing mistake in still-working good altcoin projects.

in #crypto5 years ago

Some altcoin projects are scam or their team already gave up developing project. So many of them and I have no words about these kind of in-coma projects.

There are few still working altcoin projects in this no-cash entry period .

They are active in GitHub, teams launch new apps / website according to the their road map,

The announce new partnerships , they make token burns.

But.....It is not enough.

Their marketing models based on keep demotivated their investor community in their token.

As far as see, it is the major mistake of still-working altcoin projects.

They should develop marketing models which can attract the non-crypto sphere people for mass adoptation.

It is not a magic. These projects have brilliant ideas, they can get attention of people who never use crypto related app at past.

They can do it with tailor-fit marketing model which is suitable for their token.

they can use power of their community.

If they can create demand to their products ( app or website ) , it will also create demand to their token from non-crypto population.

If they don't do, how will their token price move ? trading inside already-invested backbone community will not help for price & progress.

Major problem of good projects is lack of marketing skills in the key positions of their team.

Being IT oriented or finance oriented is good but growth needs tripod, high caliber marketing skills unfortunately is missing leg in many high potential altcoin projects.