Dying Economic Dinosaurs

in #crypto7 years ago

My fiancé and I were musing about the future during our usual sunset ritual. We were exploring what the world will look like without the middleman. Both of us have been riding the wave of crypto currencies for some time now and are just starting to grasp the impact of what smart contracts can do and what employment sectors they will eliminate. She is of the mind that 3D printing will also greatly diminish grandiose labor forces. As we journeyed in our thought experiment, one thing was for certain…….The future is going to be unrecognizable, at least from an economic standpoint.

My bubble of importance within the corporate world popped when I was 17. I was rewarded a prestigious paid internship for American Express, basically as a personal assistant to the VP of their credit bureau. It was immediately apparent to me that I wasn’t needed; no one was. In my last lunch with my boss, she admitted to me their employee numbers were mainly for tax purposes. The gravity of that assertion didn’t land on me for about ten years, but I was certain that what I did and what many of my cohorts worked on was completely unnecessary.

Three years later, I found myself in a similar internship with the world’s largest workman’s compensation company. What a dinosaur it was. My rage meter exceeded ten on a daily basis because of the utter, gratuitous waste of this Behemoth. None of us had to be there. Everything could have been automated and run at 1/100th the cost. The most debilitating aspect of this so called job was that everyone there was just going to punch a clock for the paycheck. The utter lack of creativity and enthusiasm pulled me deep into the doldrums. I couldn’t relate to the ‘lifers’ that could passively work just for money’s sake.

As the crypto-verse assimilates, clerical and financial jobs situations that I once found myself in will be no more. The capacity to fix your wares from your home with 3D printing will greatly reduce waste. I can see a return to kits for things like blenders, weed whippers and toasters etc… where just like in the Remote Control Universe you will have the capacity to fix it yourself. Online tutorials will obliterate the state sanctioned University system. The $500 per hour lawyer fee will be extinguished as the BAR is systematized in Smart contracts. In the near future, a purge of non life-affirming employment will shift the focus of humanity.

My projection onto the collective is that we are not meant to be here to do mundane tasks for corporeal entities. That’s a soul crushing affair. As the tide shifts away from centralized markets and security becomes a personal affair, we will all have to lean more on what makes us unique as humans: our authentic creativity.

The system of yoga shows how the levitational energy of life migrates up through nodal points(chakras) along the central nervous system. Each of the points has a psychological characteristic and a progressive rarified power. In the yogic world, the subtle controls the gross. Humanity has the potential to move from the second chakra, where we are obsessed with security and sexuality, to the third chakra, where our creativity and authenticity start to express. Eventually, there will be a critical mass of self actualized beings that will catalyze a collective shift into the fourth chakra, which is where love dwells. This system is progressive in that people can’t abide in love(4th chakra) before self actualization. As institutions fail, the inertia of second chakra security will cause tumultuous times.

It’s exciting to imagine a world where most everyone can focus on what they want and not what they need. As long as the parasitic overlords don’t flip the kill switch on electricity, I foresee magnificent abundance. Being in the growth mindset will distill an unprecedented level of authenticity. Those that have been roped into identity politics will find their true freedom in their own unique expression, free from the stress created by artificial propaganda and exchange constraints. Bartering for goods and services will be commonplace as the move to local inputs will foster a greater sense of community. This Utopia will have tremendous inertia to overcome.

Those with their hands in everyone’s honey pot will absolutely try and co-op the decentralization movement. Their institutions need public faith, so be ready for some massive shenanigans. Wars, extreme weather, hyper inflation, terrorism etc, will all be there as signs of the empire flailing for a life line. Don’t buy the hype. Continue to forge forth with the courage of our pioneering forefathers.