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RE: Crypto FUD Exposed: Chinese Bitcoin Miners Are Going Broke

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

On the article and tweet that you used to expose the FUD, you’re right that it all comes down to the motivations driving the activity. One must constantly ask one’s self the following question:

What is driving the author or delivery vehicle?

Unfortunately, we humans are horrible at doing this with any consistency. We ruin it with our own motivations! Our own confirmation bias, our own shadows and our search for ourselves in what we see clouds the truth everywhere.

Even your own headline states that Chinese Bitcoin Miners are Going Broke. You didn’t use quotes around that statement. So is that statement the FUD that’s exposed, and you’re correcting it? Or did you expose some FUD, and what you stated in the headline is the actual truth? Either way, you have now put out into the crypto sphere a headline that perpetuates and confirms the idea that “Chinese Bitcoin Miners Are Going Broke”. If someone hadn’t heard that phrase, they have now, and since it wasn’t in quotes to tie it to FUD statement, it’s less clear that it’s not just the second story in your vlog or the supposed FUD

On the CFD and derivatives piece, I wholeheartedly agree with you. While it would undoubtedly benefit me personally if crypto derivatives were built, and huge bubbles were built on top of these coins and tokens, and prices skyrocketed, and those of us who got in early reaped huge rewards, that’s just not what I want and it’s not what we need. Replacing our current broken system with a new broken system or just changing out the guard with new corrupt paper pushers doesn’t help anything.

I’m glad for you bringing this up and keeping it relevant.