Title: *Short report on SYS and NXS*
The reason why i am creating these reports: https://steemit.com/crypto/@alterego/starting-a-summary-series-for-sys-nxs-x0z-aeon-and-bela
Important - all you need to know - SYS video
Recent Events:
SYS wallet 3.0.5 supports multi-threading
Trojan warning for windows users https://github.com/syscoin/syscoin/wiki/Security-Notice-for-Windows-based-installers
Awaited events:
- BMD3 release on (probably) 29th June
Recent talks:
SYS4 is in R&D
community is speculating about how SYS3 and SYS4 will coexist
BM3 will be released before June 29th - community speculation based on an article
http://syscoin.community should be done before the end of the month - countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/party?iso=20180619T00&p0=48&msg=syscoin.community%20going%20live%21
Poloniex has re-enabled SYS wallets.
New Articles:
Recent Events:
Awaited events:
Recent talks:
tritium is the first phase of advanced contracts platform
New Articles:
- In freemium: https://rowlingstone.com/