RE: Welcome To The Altcoin Wasteland
I agree that it's a huge blood as said in comments but we have to consider Goldman Sux buying poloniex right? I can't believe that such an entity would do such a thing without it some day creating untold profits for them? No ordinary Joe can afford to invest in the Stock markets really unless through a job these days so how are these markets at all time highs? They are from endless money printing and corporate stock buy backs with said money right? Let's face it the Stock markets are over bought and over priced. I do believe though that they're growth is in part due to the hiding of world debt also. I think they're bulging at the seams with hidden debt. The people hiding this debt know they'll need a new market to do this within one day when the existing ones can no longer remedy this for them and the crYpto space, IMO, will be just that. They know this. Again why would they be buying exchanges? I think that existing prices are a great entry point for anyone. Yes they'll more than likely go down more but again "on sale." No I'm no one to listen to but I do believe in have eggs in different baskets to hedge against one another. I also believe that no matter how cheap this stuff gets it's here to stay. hodl on