Crypto Disinformation Campaign


Well, it’s apparent that a disinformation campaign is in full swing after Goldman Sachs states yesterday in Forbes that……


Banks rally against cryptocurrencies…


Even Brad Garlington, the CEO of Ripple is getting in on the act.


Now looking at it from face value position, it appears that Mr. Garlington is being reasonable, looking out for the good of society. My read, Ripple is best positioned to be adopted as the cryptocurrency of choice by advocates of regulation. Therefore, he would profit from this position, rather than due to any perceived altruistic motives.

That’s the challenge with disinformation. It’s purpose to create fear, uncertainty, spreading false information deliberately to deceive. To make something, in this case, that is innovative and literally has such potential to change the life of our society, into something that is literally a tool of the….


There is an old saying that I know many of you have heard. Tell a lie long enough, and it becomes the truth. Well, I believe in this case, the attempts at bad mouthing cryptocurrency is an attempt to do the same thing.

There is a positive note to this issue. In the attempts to denigrate cryptocurrencies, those who would wish its demise, only bring more interest from those who earlier may have had no interest at all, or simply not knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision as to it being a viable alternative.

How to counteract this disinformation?

  1. Direct Confrontation of Disinformation

Posting blog posts, videos, communicating with your circle of friends and family. Writing letters to the editors of local newspapers or posting replies in disinformation articles posted by various news outlets online.

  1. Foster a Community of information activists, journalists, academic and non-governmental organizations.

Communicating and building trust in the idea that cryptocurrencies are a viable alternative to the current status quo. Not allowing for the division and polarization of those who are advocates of cryptocurrencies from those who are not. Both voices should be heard and respected, but without the banter that only alienates parts of society.

In closing, I had the distinct pleasure of being raised up in the 60’s as a kid. We were taught accountability, responsibility for our actions and respect for others. When we had disagreements, we agreed to disagree. We’ve gotten away from that. Truth is not something to be feared, it is something to be embraced. That is a timeless truth.


Great info here

Side note

I do not know why anyone was surprised. Of course the banks and credit card company’s would fight this. The only problem I see is bitcoin is so overbought by people who aren’t true Crypo believers it’s getting dumped because of this news. It will get worse before it gets better, that’s not disinformation that’s a fact
It’s going to be war
And what did much of our community do ? They praised bitcoin furures like fools. They praised wallstreet! They traded long term goals for short term dollar gains....

You are 100% correct Gene, banks and credit card companies want to fight (discredit) cryptocurrencies with every tool within their abilities. Dumping is not due to disinformation, that I agree, but it's the discrediting of cryptocurrencies as a major objective of the status quo. Like I mentioned earlier, innovation is the key. Out of chaos, arrives a solution. I'm looking for solutions! :)

Very interesting post !
I bet the banks are shitting their pants and want to get a portion of the cake before it’s too late. It’s been quite a while I believe just like you do that there’s a big manipulation out there to create and spread FUD to the mass so they get away of that incredible invention.
There are some theories claiming that NSA would have wrote a paper in 1996 on how to create a digital money, I believe in a way that they were at the time in the process of thinking and creating our future, a unique currency that would be better and would run all our society.
Wouldn’t it be possible that this invention got robbed and then some anonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” releases this to the public like a whistleblower ?!? Now we see the establishment trying to gain back their influence and stake by any mean...
I believe everything is linked, we all should look for the information for ourselves, analyze and make our own opinion, stop following the big fake news factories of the establishment and start emancipate ourselves from the matrix..
The crypto market is very young, and small in comparaison with traditional market, this makes the huge swing we could observe lately very easy to create, for those with big money..

Thanks for your valued input. You noticed the advocation for a "digital currency" as I did, versus a cryptocurrency. Big difference. More control in my estimation if you had a digital currency. The old saying applies here, "He who controls the gold, rules". The current rulers just want to make sure they continue to rule! :)

Exactly, they need control to keep their activities safe! This is a once in a time life opportunity to change the system from the inside, let’s try not to fuck it like every time ^^

Hi Wesley,

I wanna first thank you for liking my Sapien.Network Post, (it took a week-end to write haha) its an incredible motivational incentive when professionals like you do go through posts and drop a like.

Just like you, I will be contributing a a lot of effort and research into the topics that i find important to cover. Including stock, forex and crypto reviews. Im hoping to learn a lot from you when you get a chance to check something out, Ill be following you and your blogs for sure, its a given

Have a great day :)

Good Morning Rene,

Until I read your post on the Sapien Network I was unaware of it. It was great reading about what the objective of Sapien is versus Steemit, and you are right, there is no reason why both can't be used.

I will be looking forward to additional enlightening posts from you and appreciate all the effort you put into your posts....... it shows!

Warmest Regards,


Thanks, I just took the morning to write about why I feel VIX could be a catalyst for an upcoming bear market, let me know what you think of the idea :)